Sunday, November 7, 2010

3-Step Treatment for Strained Muscles

A strained muscle, also known as a pulled muscle, is one of the most common sports injuries.  Stretching a muscle beyond its comfortable limits, poor body mechanics when working out, and too much impact during cardio exercise or lifting an object that is too heavy can cause small tears to occur within the muscle fibers.

Symptoms of a strained muscle are:                                                                                                 
  • Pain
  • Swelling or Inflammation        
  • Tightness 
  • Stiffness
  • Heat radiating from area 
  • Bruising
  • Impaired muscle functions during exercise or daily usage
The most frequently pulled muscles are:  pulled hamstrings, groin muscles, pulled calf or quad muscles; pulled low back, shoulder and neck muscles. 

There are several steps to treat pulled muscles at home, depending upon the severity of the injury.  

Step 1 - Treatment

REST is the first step in the early recovery phase (1-5 days). Immobilization is not always recommended. However, it is good to avoid workouts until the pain subsides. If the strain occurs in an area on the arms or legs, it is important to elevate the extremity to reduce swelling and alleviate some of the pressure.  

ICE the area to reduce pain and swelling. According to, you should begin icing as soon as possible after sustaining a muscle pull. Ice applications can be done frequently, but should not be done for more than 15-minutes per application. Applying ice while you rest and elevate saves time.

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MEDS help to alleviate painful symptoms and reduce swelling.  Always remember to check with your doctor before taking anti-inflammatory medications; unless you have already taken them in the past and know what works for you with the least amount of side-effects. Anti-Inflammatory medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc; helps to reduce inflammation and to inhibit pain signals to the brain. They sometimes work as well as rest, ice and elevation for people with busy schedules.

Step 2 – Strengthening 

STRENGTHENING is very important after the swelling subsides. Strengthening an injured muscle before returning to athletic activities not only facilitates the healing process, but it also helps to prevent future injuries from occurring. Light weights or the use of body weight as resistance is recommended.  Be sure to avoid heavy weights and heavy impact strengthening exercises at this time of the healing process.

Step 3 - Prevention

Once the injured muscle has re-gained its strength, the healing process has nearly taken its course.  The final step to treating strained muscles is prevention.  Look at the area of injury as a “problem area”.  If you continue to do the same workout routine you did to injure yourself, the same results will occur. Therefore, it is important to incorporate methods to prevent injuries from occurring before your workout routine.

GENTLE STRETCHING makes muscles more flexible, and flexible muscles are less likely to be injured during workouts or athletic events. 

HEAT makes the muscles more flexible and increases blood flow to the region. Increased blood flow brings a fresh supply of nutrient-rich blood to the area, and circulates toxins and waste back through the system for elimination. Therefore, heat applications make the muscles less susceptible to strain and injury. 

WARM UP slowly by starting your exercise at a moderate pace and use lighter weights. Then slowly increase in pounds, pace, and repetitions as you proceed with caution.  

AVOID MUSCLE FATIGUE by slowing the pace of your workout, or taking a break during workouts. When muscles are fatigue, they can easily become more susceptible to strain and injury.

Sometimes pulled muscles take hours to develop symptoms. Therefore is it always good to keep a high performance muscle rub on hand to apply to heavily worked muscles regions immediately after an athletic event or strenuous exercise (Especially if the workout routine is new to the body or more challenging than previous workouts).

Biofreeze offers temporary relief for muscle sprains and spasms. It is the topical pain reliever of choice for Chiropractors, Podiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, and Athletic Trainers. 

For more information or to purchase Biofreeze log on to:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Colonic Cleansing…Who Knew Elimination Could Be So Good!

At first when I decided to get colonics I was very nervous.      
I had an automobile accident when I was 18-years old. In that accident I suffered several injuries including: multiple bone fractures, lacerations to my stomach, left lung and diaphragm, spleen and my colon.

And, for the last 17-years I have suffered from residual ailments as a result of my trauma injuries and surgeries.  Silently, I suffered digestive problems for years with no knowledge of a treatment to help aid my symptoms. 

Symptoms I experienced were:
·         Constipation
·         Abdominal pain after eating
·         Bloating
·         Gas
·         Inability to digest dairy or yeast

My weight would fluctuate from 5-7 pounds depending on what I ate that day.

I soon realized that it was my diet that was causing my digestive system to be out of whack.
Once I started to discover what was causing my Irritable Bowel Symptoms through the process of elimination, I soon discovered that my symptoms were due to a lack of intestinal enzymes needed to process certain foods properly as a result to my previous traumas and lifestyle stresses.

My food sensitivity started with dairy and bread and ended with meat such as beef and pork. Therefore, I removed them from my grocery list.

However, when I dined out at some of Atlanta’s finest restaurants, my symptoms would reoccur. 

In this society it is hard to eliminate all dairy, bread, and meat from some of our favorite meals. Even if they are not a part of our main entrĂ©e; at least one of the three are an ingredient used to make our dishes. 

Therefore, I started to detox heavily, to eliminate everything I ate before it would cause digestive problems and make for a miserable evening.

Eventually, I started to suffer from anemia and exhaustion because I was eliminating the good with the bad.
One day I ran into this lady by the name of La Tanya Young who held my attention.

Not only because her name is similar to mine (Tonya), but because she seemed knowledgeable in her line of work as a Physician’s Assistant (PA).  La Tanya Young owns Sol Sanctuary Holistic Detoxification Center in Roswell, Georgia. 

Needless to say, I scheduled an appointment with Ms. Young and was completely impressed by her services. Ms. Young greeted me at the door with a big smile. She sat me down and comforted me that my experience would not only be painless, but also relaxing. 

She showed me around her facility. Then she escorted me to a room with a massage table and a dry sauna. I was instructed to lie down in supine position on a BioMat table and relax while the heat soothed my muscles and increased my circulation, allowing a more peaceful elimination. 

After taking a quick nap on the BioMat for approximately 15-minutes, I was ready for action; La Tanya escorted me to the colonic table. 

As I entered the room I saw a big beige plastic table with an open compartment that looked like a sink with an attaching hose. 

But as I inched closer to the devise, I noticed that it was more like a birthing table with mantles for leg placements on each side of the table and a rectangular whole used as an elimination bowl with a thin hose attached (similar to a toilet with no sitting water).

It was then that I was told that the process would be self-administered from this point forth. Boy was I relieved to know that she was not taking away one of the most personal experiences of my existence! 

Ms. Young instructed me to:
1.       Undress from the waist down.
2.       Get on the table and cover-up with the disposable sheet.
3.       Put on plastic gloves and lubricate the area of insertion.
4.       Insert the tube (smaller than a pencil’s width) only 2-inches into my rear.  (The tube is slightly curved upward for comfort, and to leave room for waste to eliminate without obstruction).

Once the process was done I pressed the button for farther instructions. 

Next, she entered the room and turned the water on.

The saline water entered the inserted tube slowly. It was very warm and soothing; and the flow was non- disruptive to my sphincter muscles.   

Within minutes I could feel my intestines filling with water and it was all downhill from that point forth. 

The experience was more relaxing than a self-induced BM, because the warm water made the entire process slow, painless, and effortless.  

 I chose to watch the clear tubes as the waste traveled from my body through this long clear pipe which led to a toilet devise that Ms. Young came in to flush occasionally, as she re-heated the pillow she had placed on my stomach to help things loosen even more.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience. 

Afterwards she escorted me to the sauna where I released even more toxins by sweating for 30-minutes.

The last step was the consultation in which we discussed my diet and she gave me future tips on detoxing at home, eating better for my body type, and aftercare tips for the next 48 hours. 

I left Sol Sanctuary feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and about 10-pounds lighter!

For more information on Colonic Cleansing contact Ms. La Tanya Young at 770-717-7000, or log on to:
*This article was written by Tonya Jones, owner of World Therapy Center*

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bamboo Terry Robes

A robe should be much more than something you slip into after a long days work.

Your robe should represent your safe haven from life. Robes are like our personal royal attire that confirms we are the masters of our domain; the rulers of our territory.

Bamboo Terry Robes make the perfect luxury robe to unwind in. These eco-friendly bamboo terry cloth robes are by far the softest around.

They are used by some of the finest resorts and cruise ships around.

Made with 100% sustainable Moso Bamboo fibers, they make the perfect gift to give to family and friends for occasions such as get well gifts, holidays, and special occasion gifts.

Bamboo Terry Robes are unisex and come in a variety of sizes. They have a shawl collar, matching terry trim, two patch pockets, and a matching belt.

Once you put them on, you will never want to de-robe again.

For more information and order instructions on Bamboo Terry Robes log on to:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yeah Baby’s Cloud 9 Spa Slippers

Slip into these cuddly soft spa slippers and you will never feel alone again. Yeah Baby’s Cloud 9 Spa Slippers will have you wiggling your toes non-stop.

This unisex slipper ensures comfort for every one of all sizes. From XS-S, M-L, and L-XXL, Yeah Baby, you will find just the right fit for your individual needs.

The Yeah Baby’s new ultra-soft exclusive design delivers a relaxing fit. Yeah Baby’s are safe for wet areas (such as gym showers). These spa slippers are silent on hard floors and they are machine washable.

For information and order instructions on Yeah Baby’s Cloud 9 Spa Slippers log on to:

Yeah Baby’s are available in Black, Chocolate, Sage and Mystic Blue.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Six Rules of Social Networking Security

Social networking is the wave of the present, and the challenge of the future. As more and more social networking sites emerge, the main challenges competitors face involve improving internet security.

From a business aspect social networking is sometimes viewed as an “online cocktail party”. A place where companies can be visible to consumers through a one-way channel of communication, while at the same time giving customers (or “fans”) insight into the everyday operations of their organization.

However, for the individual social networking is just a finger flick away from getting their voices heard by sharing personal information, pictures and daily quotes with friends, family and co-workers.

But, be it professional or personal, social networking sites can lure users into a false sense of security due to lowered inhibitions resulting from the lack of face-to-face contact. This false sense of anonymity tends to lower social networkers natural defenses; leaving individuals and companies to expose themselves in ways they normally would never consider to a stranger on the street or an associate at a cocktail party.

Therefore, it is important to keep both yourself and your company safe on social networking sites by following these Six Rules of Social Networking Security:

1. Be Discreet – Never include information in your profile page, instant message, or bulletin board that would leave you vulnerable to unwanted visitors, malicious threats, or simply people that are out to take your personal information such as business or personal addresses, phone numbers, job titles, birth dates, schedule details, and daily routines.

2. Be Professional – Always use pictures or videos that show you in your best possible image.

3. Be Skeptical – Be skeptical about what you read on social networking sites. Research all information or simply ask the profile controller where they got their information source from before repeating it as factual knowledge. It can lower the integrity of a business establishment, or an individual’s image as an expert in a particular profession.

4. Be Wary – Never reveal persona l business information or financial information on a social networking site unless there is a way to independently verify everyone’s personal identity.

5. Check Privacy Policies – Take the time to read (and understand) each social media’s privacy policy page. They tend to include the types of information that will be revealed or sold to secondary parties such as spammers.

6. Be Thoughtful – Always think twice before typing. Never post anything that can defame the image of another person or company. Because, once information is released on the world-wide web there is no taking it back. It is documented, and a date and time is attached for recording purposes.

Therefore, until a social networking site is discovered that gives its users a sense of control when it comes to their personal and professional security. It is important that all social media users take heed and think before finger flicking.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Brain-Eating Amoebas Found in Fresh Water

Brain eating amoebas have been known to pose serious threats to humans swimming in fresh water lakes, ponds, and under-chlorinated pools. Summer's long days and sultry nights of endless heat create the ideal environment for the amoeba known as the Naegleria fowleri, which likes to live in shallow fresh waters where the water temperature exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Open passageways, such as the nostrils, gives this amoeba the perfect access it needs to eat away at juicy, nutrient-filled human brains.

Diving into infested waters can be life threatening if these “brain suckers” are present. According to the Center for Disease Control, the Naegleria fowleri is a microscopic amoeba most commonly found in the upper layer of sediment in the bottom of lakes and ponds with mud floors. However, infection occurs rarely. A little over 33 cases have been reported in the United States since 1998.

Once the amoeba enters the body through the nostrils, it travels straight to the brain and spinal cord. It may take a day to two weeks for symptoms to develop. However, illness resulting from this infestation has a rapid state of progression, and usually ends in death within 3 to 7 days.


• Headache

• Confusion

• Fever

• Loss of balance and bodily control

• Nausea and Vomiting

• Stiff neck

• Inability to focus

• Seizures and hallucinations

The symptoms of amoeba infestation are very similar to spinal meningitis. Therefore, it is important to inform a medical professional if you experience these symptoms after swimming in fresh water lakes, ponds, or under-chlorinated pools.

Prevention Methods

1. Wear a nose clip in fresh water lakes, rivers, and ponds.

2. Do not swim, jump or dive in warm, stagnant, fresh water, such as ponds, storm water and retention areas.

3. Immediately seek medical attention if symptoms develop or infection is suspected.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

8 Daily Health Tips for a Better Life

Many people say they eat fairly healthy, exercise at least 2.5 hours a week (as recommended by the American Heart Association), and get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

However, they still find it hard to wake up in the mornings, have regular bowel movements, keep their skin looking healthy and vibrant, and to maintain the appropriate energy needed to perform at their top level of efficiency.

In today’s hustle and bustle society sometimes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a good night’s sleep are simply not enough for the average active adult. Don’t wait until you find yourself “sleep working” before you decide to make a life change. Nor, should you wait until your boss finds you in that same embarrassing situation.

Start supplementing your diet with eight essential things that are guaranteed to make you a healthier and more energetic “super person”.

1. Water

Be sure to intake at least 64 ounces of water daily (8-8oz glasses). Increase your water intake on the days that you work out by an additional 24 ounces. More than two thirds of our body weight consists of water. It only takes a 2% drop in the human body’s water supply to trigger signs of dehydration. Our brains are made of 95% water, lungs 90%, and blood 82%. According to, an estimated seventy five percent of Americans have mild-to-severe dehydration. Signs of dehydration are:

• Daytime fatigue

• Fuzzy short-term memory

• Trouble with basic math

• Difficulty focusing on smaller print

2. Green Tea

Loaded with cancer fighting antioxidants, green tea is essential for increased energy and metabolic rates (metabolism). In addition, it also helps to reduce bad cholesterol levels, while assisting the arteries to help improve blood flow. The recommended dosage is no more than 3 cups.

3. Omega 3-6-9

Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3 and omega 6 are essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot manufacture, so they must be consumed in our diets. Omega 9, on the other hand, is not as essential because our bodies can manufacture it from other sources. The benefits of taking an Omega 3-6-9 supplement are:

• Lowered blood pressure

• Improved glucose metabolism

• Improved joint and muscle health

• Increased growth rate of hair and nails

• Improved skin health

• Improved cognitive function and emotional health

4. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is not just a super food. It is addressed as a “wonder food,” according to WebMD who considers it to be one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet! The main health qualities that makes flaxseed so nutritious is that it contains omega 3 fatty acids, lignans (containing plant estrogen and other antioxidant qualities), and both soluble and insoluble fiber. The health benefits of flaxseed are:

• Prevents and inhibits tumor and cancer growth

• Helps in regulating and normalizing the heart beat

• Helps with diabetes to improve blood sugar levels

• Reduces inflammation caused by Parkinson’s disease, asthma, clogged arteries, and damaged joints and muscles.

• Helps with woman’s hot flashes

Try adding flaxseed to your yogurt or breakfast smoothies.

5. Detox Supplement

Taking a detox tea or pill supplement at least once a week helps to cleanse the body of impurities consumed from daily diets, prescription medications, and air born toxins. Eliminating the body of excess impurities helps to maintain total body health and promotes weight reduction.

6. Vegetable Vitamins

We all want to think we are getting all of the servings of fruits and vegetables we need each day, but most of us are not. For the people that are, it is hard to get all the servings every single day.

Super Juice is a Daily Multi Phyto-Nutrient vitamin formula made from vegetables, fruit and botanical plants. It does not replace whole fruits and vegetables, but it is a supplement designed for people who may not be getting all the Phyto-Nutrients from their diets alone.

7. Emergency

This powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is designed to:

• Boost immunity

• Increase energy levels

• Increase metabolism

• Replace key minerals and electrolytes like potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium lost through perspiration and regular bowel elimination.

8. Aloe Vera Juice

When 2-4 ounces of Aloe Vera juice is consumed twice daily it can help to:

• Detoxify and cleanse the colon

• Detoxify the blood stream

• Heal stomach ulcers and help the digestive tract to work more smoothly

• Improve circulation

• Increase cellular growth and regeneration

• Prevent illness by acting as a antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent

Always purchase Aloe Vera juice made from 100% pure Aloe Vera.

Aloe juice can have a very bitter taste. However, some Asian aloe drinks are designed to be very tasty and somewhat enjoyable. Most farmers markets and Asian markets sell them for under $3 dollars.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sinkholes: slowly but surely

Guatemala City 2010

Sinkholes, also called swallow or shake holes, form slowly but can have a dramatic effect once they occur. Very little change can be detected on the ground surface of a sinkhole in one’s lifetime.

Rocks beneath the earth’s surface, composed of materials naturally dissolved by water, such as salt, gypsum, anhydrite, limestone and dolomite, sometimes decompose to the point that they “give away” to the pool of water sitting beneath them.

Holes remain intact underneath the ground until enough erosion occurs, causing the land above it to sink abruptly. This sudden change has historically been devastating for many. Land collapses are sometimes small, and other times they are enormous and can occur in some of the worst places like where a building or house is on top.

US cities reported to have suffered the most damage from sinkholes are: Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Missouri.

However, on May 30, 2010, an enormous sinkhole appeared in heart of Guatemala City’s urban district, engulfing a large building along with the entire street intersection nearby. This 66-feet wide and 100-feet deep cylindrical hole finally gave in to its lack of underground reinforcement, when Tropical Storm Agatha swept through the city streets. Two teenagers and their father were killed as a result of the gigantic hole.

Sinkholes can occur naturally in areas where no manmade structures are present. They can also occur as a result of poor building practices, in which the proper drainage system is incorrectly developed, or in areas where the drainage system has been obstructed (such as the case in Guatemala City).

Due to an increase of sinkholes around the world, Scientists are currently researching early detection methods.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Conventional and Natural Treatments for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are very common during childbearing years, but can affect women of all ages. Most ovarian cysts are not harmful, and go unnoticed. However, some may cause pain and bleeding when ruptured, resulting in the need for surgical removal.

Both ovaries, the size of walnuts, are located on each side of the uterus. The beginning of a woman’s monthly cycle is signaled by the first day the ovaries work at creating an egg for the ovarian follicle to release in order to become fertilized by male sperm. If the follicle does not release the egg, or if the egg released does not undergo fertilization; then the fluid can deposit in the ovarian wall and form a cyst.

Noncancerous cysts in the ovaries are a fairly normal process, and usually dissolve themselves in a matter of weeks on their own. Although, ovarian cysts are sometimes found in ovarian cancer cells; they are typically viewed as a common part of ovulation, and are considered to be benign or noncancerous.


1. Follicular cysts: are the most common ovarian cysts, also known as functional or simple. Functional ovarian cysts are the result of an ovarian follicle failing to release an egg, and the remaining fluid from the follicle’s egg forms a cyst inside the walls of the ovary; instead of breaking through the ovary walls to be released into the fallopian tubes for the fertilization process. They are labeled “functional” because they are not associated with a disease. Usually, these cysts can grow to be close to 2.3 inches in diameter. About one-fourth of women experience pain during ovulation in the ovary where the cysts exits.

Corpus luteum cysts: occurs when an egg, released from a follicle, is not fertilized and remains on the ovary to produce a fluid or blood filled cysts. This cyst usually doesn’t produce symptoms.

Hemorrhagic cysts: is simply a blood filled cyst that can cause pain in the abdomen.

2. Dermoid cysts: is very uncommon, and they usually occur in younger women. Growing up to 6 inches in diameter, this benign tumor can contain fat, bone, hair, and cartilage. They can become inflamed and cause pain by twisting around the ovaries.

3. Endometriomas or endometrioid cysts: is associated with endometriosis. These cysts are formed when endometrial tissue develops and grows in the ovaries; sometimes growth can get up to 8 inches in diameter. Severe pelvis pain is associated with endometriomas cysts.

4. Polycystic-appearing ovary: is usually twice the size of other ovarian cysts, with the presence of small cysts on the outside of the ovary. This common condition occurs in 4%-7% of reproductive age women, and causes an increase risk of endometrial cancer. Pain, abnormal bleeding, and infertility are all associated with this polycystic ovarian disorder.

5. Cystadenoma: is a benign mucus filled tumor made of ovarian tissue.


• Irregular menstrual cycles

• Early menstruation (starting sooner than 11 years of age)

• History of previous ovarian cysts

• Increased upper body fat distribution

• Infertility

• Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance

• Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer


• Lower abdominal or pelvic pain

• Lower abdominal or pelvic pressure or fullness

• Irregular menstrual periods

• Lower back pain

• Pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse

• Pain or pressure during urination or bowel movements

• Vaginal pain or spotting

• Nausea or vomiting

• Infertility


1. Oral contraceptives: are recommended to regulate the menstrual cycle, and prevent cysts from occurring in the follicles. In some cases contraceptives reduced the size of existing cysts.

2. Pain relievers: anti-inflammatory medications and narcotics are prescribed to relieve mild-to-severe pain.

3. Surgery: cysts that grow to become abnormally large or last longer than usual (a few months), should be removed.

a. Laparoscopic surgery: small incisions are made, and a thin scope is inserted into the abdominal wall. Once the cyst is identified, the surgeon removes it or takes a sample of it.

b. Laparotomy: is more invasive, because a larger incision is made through the abdominal wall to access and abstract, or take samples of the cyst.

c. Surgery for ovarian torsion: requires immediate emergency surgery to correct.


1. Liver Cleanse: helps to cleanse the blood and regulate hormone levels in the body.

2. Diet: foods that help to ease discomfort resulting from cysts, and reduce recurrence are green leafy vegetables (raw if possible), raw fruits, garlic, whole grains, legumes. Foods to avoid are processed or refined foods, red meats, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, white sugars, carbonated drinks, foods high in fat.

3. Vitamins: A, E, and C

4. Mild Exercise: should increase as pain lessens

5. Herbs:

• Blue Cohosh

• Black Cohosh

• Vitex

• Dandelion Root

• Black Haw

• Milk Thistle

• Pau d' Arco

• Chaparral

• Bee Pollen

• Yarrow

• Wild Yam

Monday, May 17, 2010

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea

Historically, Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has been associated with Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. However, recently western cultures have been more prone to replace their traditional cup of black tea with whole leaf green tea because of its astonishing therapeutic properties.

There are many different varieties of green tea which can differ substantially based on processing methods, variable growing conditions and harvesting times. But many reported therapeutic properties of green tea remain consistent throughout.

Scientific evidence over the past few decades has proven that, on average, habitual green tea consumers have much lower chances of developing heart disease and certain forms of cancer. According to, green teas consist of approximately a third of the caffeine content per liquid volume of coffee. Therefore, it also helps to improve mental alertness and thinking capabilities.

Researchers associate polyphenols, contained in green tea, to its miraculous healing properties. During the preparation process, leafs, buds, and stems from the Camellia sinensis plant are carefully steamed at high temperatures in order to maintain the atomic structure of their polyphenols.

Other healing properties associated with green tea that have been reported, but not yet scientifically proven are:

• Promoting weight loss through increased metabolism and appetite reduction

• Soothing stomach disorders, vomiting, and diarrhea

• Treating osteoporosis

• Prevention of various cancers such as: breast, prostate, colon and gastric, lung cancer, solid tumor cancers and skin cancer.

• Treating Chron’s disease

• Aiding Parkinson’s disease

• Controlling diabetes

• Curing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

• Controlling blood pressure

• Preventing kidney stones

• Soothing skin damage topically

• Decrease puffiness of the skin if used topically like a tea bag (especially under eyes)

• Treating gum disease

• Used in genital warts ointments

Be careful not to mistake green tea for oolong tea or black tea, as they are made from the same plant. However, oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is completely fermented. As a result of the variation in preparation, they have completely different medicinal effects.

Like everything else, a good thing can easily become toxic to the body if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to exceed five cups of green tea per day.

Side effects due to over consumption include:

Upset stomach


Constipation due to increased urination

Liver problems



• Sleep problems

• Irritability

• Irregular heart beat

• Tremors

• Heart burn

• Dizziness

• Convulsions and confusion

• Increased blood pressure

• Dizziness and ringing in the ears

• Anemia

• Death

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gardening Tips

My Garden 2009

I  am certain that everyone have their flowers and vegetables in the ground by now. Well, if you haven't then don't worry, you still have time. However, do it immediately in order to give plants reasonable time to get "grounded," or rooted in the ground. Yes, the old saying about building a strong foundation of hard work leads to success is right. The hardest thing to achieve in the process of gardening is a strong root system. And, if it is not achieved properly, the adult plant will not yield big and strong flowers, fruit, or vegetables.

Plants: How to Build a Strong Root System 
Well, good luck with that if you think you can just toss some water on a plant every morning, high noon, and yield this darling plant blooming with flowers, and producing an abundance of juicy, delicious vegetables or fruit. Sorry, but that's just not going to happen. In order to maximize your production you must feed the roots, with fertilizer, initially when planting your seeds or baby plants.

To this very day, Asians master the art of farming because they continue to do it as a means to provide food for their families, not just as a personal preference. They value farming as a "gift from above." Therefore, they take great care to birth plants properly. During colder seasons, good farmers continue to toss all of their fruit and vegetable peels over soil they plan to grow in during peak season.

The process works as follows: Nutrients from the fruit and vegetable peels start to release from a dormant state as the ground heats and decomposes the matter. As temperatures get hotter, baby plants continue to feed on the slow release of nutrients and the roots grow deeper and more sturdy.

Take the peels from the fruit and vegetables you eat daily, and cut them up. Then, toss them on top of your soil. It's free, so be smart and take advantage of the best fertilizer known to mankind. Bananas are the best because they contain protein, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and both omegas 3 and 6.

How to Grow Sturdy and Prosperous Plants
  • Fertilize: My father's favorite fertilization technique was to pour magnesium sulfate or Epsom salt, on the roots of each of his plants once a week. Try it and you will be thanking me all summer long! Alternate one cup of Epsom salt per one gallon of water, with any kind of miracle grow fertilizer every other week. Although magnesium sulfate increases the rate in which plants grow, it does not provide the nutrients found in fruit and vegetable peels, or miracle grow fertilizer. All three fertilizers are vital to use in combination on an ongoing bases. Always remember that you can't feed your plants with enough fruit and vegetable peels so never throw them away!
  • Water: Watering plants is also a serious commitment. It is best to wake up early in the morning and water plants before the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This gives them enough time to drink at their leisure, before the water evaporates. Every plant requires a different amounts of water. For instance, cucumbers require daily watering. And, on days when temperatures sore above ninety, they need to be watered twice a day. However, tomatoes and green peppers only need to be watered once a week, and twice a week when temperatures sore above ninety. It is always important to Google growing instructions on every plant prior to planting.
  • Prune- Pruning is done to increase the size and amount of flowers, fruit or vegetables a plant yields. For instance, okra plants must be pruned or they will grow very tall, and start to produce less vegetables. 
Ground or Planter Pot?
It doesn't matter weather you plant your things in the ground, or in the most trendiest planter pot. The techniques in which you use to care for your plants, determine the success of your crop. On the other hand, this trendy idea of growing plants upside down is causing farmers, big and small, to "jump the bandwagon". Upside down planters, such as the Topsy Turvy, are spreading like wildfire. People like them because you can save ground space by hanging them on your deck, balcony or patio. And, they eliminates weeding, caging and staking (normally done to hold plants upright).

Benefits of the Topsy Turvy:

  1. Uses gravity as a verticle growing advantage.
  2. The vertical grow bag heats plants like a greenhouse, so the root system explodes.
  3. Gravity pulls the water and nutrients directly to the roots.
  4. Plants are less likely to be damaged by animals and insects living in the ground.
The Topsy Turvy is good for both the big time farmer and the city slicker farmer (such as myself), with a small amount of land space to grow in. But, a huge desire to plant as many of their favorite fruit and veggies as possible. 
Topsy Turvy- space saver

Topsy Turvy- Strawberry Planter

Friday, May 7, 2010

Top 5 Mother’s Day Gifts

It is time for Mother’s Day again, and if you're like everyone else you still haven’t purchased your one-of-a-kind mom a Mother’s Day gift. Every mother is different, and the gift should match your personal relationship with that particular person. For instance, if you are shopping for your wife, you definitely want to search for things more sensual like a massage, perfume or cosmetics. On the other hand, when buying for your mother feel free to use your lifetime knowledge, and buy the best of her most favorite things. Interesting enough, you may find that your mother and wife both like similar things. After all, don’t all women like spa gift certificates, leather bags, jewelry, perfume and cosmetics?

According to personal research results, 9 out of 10 internet websites listed each of the following five gifts as being one of the “Top 10 Mother’s Day gifts”.

1. Spa Gift Certificate

What says relaxation better than an aromatherapy massage? If you can answer that, than you are on to something. Massage increases circulation, improves flexibility, releases toxins in the body, promotes better sleep, and relieves sore muscles. Not only is massage healthy for you, but it also feels amazing.

• Not every mother likes being touched. If that is the case try other services at the spa like, facials, body wraps, manicures or pedicures.

• Don’t know which services she wants? Buy one gift certificate and most spas honor any service so that your mother can be the one to decide what she wants. Just purchase your certificate for a particular dollar amount.

2. Leather Bags

No woman can ever lose the desire for more bags. Women need bags to hold their most valuable treasures. These bags must change with a woman’s wardrobe and equally match her shoes. In order for a woman to pull that off, she must have numerous styles and types of bags.

• Wallets
• Travel bags – carry on
• Luggage
• Make-up bags
• Laptop bags
• Business bags

3. Jewelry

The most subjective gift in the world is jewelry. Take care to be appropriate, according to the nature of your relationship. It is always safe to match your gift with a piece that she already has. As a result, she will wear it more often.

4. Perfume

Every woman likes to look good and smell great. Choosing perfume is very similar to picking out jewelry. Buy something similar to the perfume she wears the most. No one ever forgets the smell of a women they care about.

5. Cosmetics

Every woman wants to look and feel their best at all times. So get the gift of cosmetics, and you can help her to achieve both.

Buy things to keep her looking and feeling great like:

Make-up: find out the exact brand name and color numbers (I promise she will be both surprised and impressed).

Facial Care Products: cleanser, facial exfoliants, moisturizers, and more.

Bubble Baths, Bath Salts and Body Exfoliants

Now go out and give those special mothers in your life the best Mother’s Day gift that your money can buy.


Giving money alone $$$ - It is impersonal to give only money. If your special mom needs money, by all means give it to her. But always give a small gift along with it. Include something as simple as a $5 jar of bath salts, or a tube of her favorite color lipstick. Anything will make it more of a gift from the heart, and less of a “guilty payoff”.

Unwrapped gifts – A mother’s day gift should be somewhat of a surprise if possible. Always wrap or bag your gifts to prolong that feeling of excitement and curiosity. It will make the moment much more memorable.

• Just dinner alone – You should be taking her out to restaurants throughout the year already. This is a special day, include a gift.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Unfried Chicken

This fried chicken keeps you thin by providing potassium to beat the bloat!

• 1 cup breadcrumbs
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
• 1 tsp chopped fresh sage
• 1 tsp fresh thyme
• 1 tbsp Old Bay Seasoning
• 1 tbsp kosher salt
• ½ tsp black pepper
• ½ tsp cayenne pepper
• ½ cup light buttermilk
• 2 tsp olive oil
• 2 whole bone-in, skinless chicken breast (about 12oz each), halved

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place a roasting rack on a baking sheet and coat with a little olive oil. Combine breadcrumbs, Dijon mustard, parsley, sage, thyme, Old Bay, salt, pepper, and cayenne in a shallow bowl. Pour buttermilk into another shallow bowl. Dip chicken in buttermilk, turning to coat. Drain excess and dredge chicken in breadcrumb mixture, pressing gently to help coating adhere. Transfer chicken to rack. Coat chicken with remaining olive oil and bake until crispy, 30 to 35 minutes.

Let cool then serve.

Courtesy of chefs Mark Gaier and Clark Frasier of Arrows Restaurant, in Ogunquit Maine.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Star students ask questions and make comments during classroom discussions. They finish classroom assignments in a timely manner, without interrupting others. And, they complete homework tasks and projects on or before their due date. However, what makes a star student stand out in a crowd is the extra time and effort they put into being great. They study a little longer than the average student. They read a little more than what is required to achieve a passing grade. And more importantly, they associate their personal net worth with the level of effort they apply in life. In other words, they know who they are and where they want to get in life; and they plan to apply themselves accordingly.

In order to become a star student, it is important to establish an individually tailored learning plan, and stick with it. A plan that works for one student may not always work for everyone else. There are some basic guidelines every parent and student should be cognizant of when striving to improve educational performance.

I. Know who you are and what you represent

The journey of life is a blessing to be cherished. As a person it is important to love and cherish your life, and to be able to answer one question. What makes you different from everyone else? The things that make you different from others are the experiences you go through in life.
When we feel happy, it makes us realize that we like to be in particular places, doing particular things with certain people that we care about. And when we are not happy, it allows us to understand the things, people, and places that we don’t like as well.

After summarizing our likes and dislikes, we are left with personality traits. Our personality traits allow us to know who we are, and what we represent. The first modern day personality test emerged in the early 1900’s. Since then there have been many different types of test designed to help determine a persons’ character traits. Regardless of the type of test, five major personality traits are the same, but may pertain to different situations.

The five major personality traits are:

1. Openness: a measurement of a person’s active imagination, aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to their inner feelings, preference for variety, and intellectual curiosity.

2. Conscientiousness: is a measurement of someone’s character. Traits are taken into considerations like their self-discipline, carefulness and thoroughness, organization patterns, their ability to think carefully before acting, and their need for achievement.

3. Extroversion/Introversion

a. Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and interested in seeking out excitement.

b. Introverts tend to be more reserved, less outgoing, and less sociable.

4. Agreeableness: the tendency to be pleasurable and accommodating in social settings.

5. Neuroticism: lasting tendency to experience negative emotional traits.

Once we recognize who we are, we can then examine our strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you know that you tend to get higher scores in math and science classes, and lower grades in language arts classes; that should alert you to spend more of your study time on the subjects with the lowest scores (language arts). You will build your intelligence as a whole by spending more time fine tuning your weak areas of study, and less time reviewing things that already come easy to you. Therefore, a planner is needed to schedule important deadlines and daily events such as testing dates, project due dates, and daily study times. Be sure to schedule each class with the proper amount of time needed based on your ability to understand the content being studied.

Having a daily “to-do-list” is just as important as learning to set your personal goals. Personal goals are a road map to the future. They are very similar to a “to-do-list” but are usually made and revised on a regular basis, and can cover a period as early as six months or as long as 5 to 10 years.

Personal goals should include things like:

• Your grade performance and behavior in school.

• Your behavior at home with your family.

• The type of peers you want to be associated with and their core values.

• How you conduct your relationships with your friends.

• Your spiritual growth.

• Building on your talents and natural abilities.

• Focusing on improving your weaknesses.

II. Establish effective study habits

Have you ever wondered why you study twice the time some of your classmates study, yet they continue to get higher test scores? That is because they are studying more efficiently. They are using their study time much more wisely than you. Instead of studying by the television; they chose to go into a quite room with nothing around to distract them. And, instead of studying late at night after dinner; they chose to study immediately after school when the information is still fresh and new to their brains. Again, what might work for one person doesn’t always work for the masses. Therefore, it is always good to experiment with different times and places to study.

Successful study habits must be acquired. As a result, it is important to learn effective habits for efficient studying.

A. Find a conducive learning environment: The most important study tip is to find a conducive learning environment to study in. Be careful where you choose to study. Make sure you are in a quiet place with little-to-no distractions. It’s good to “hear” yourself recite things you are reading in your head. Just as you would when proofreading what you wrote. That is our brain’s way of absorbing the information we consume, and retaining it to our memory.

B. Have a homework/study schedule and follow it: The second most important study tip is to know when your body is functioning at its maximum state of alertness. Our body has a natural intrinsic production cycle, in which our nervous system and organs are functioning at their best, and when they slow down, or rest altogether. During the slow and rest phases, our brain cells are not as responsive as they are when in more alert states. The general rule is that we are most alert in the mornings after eating a meal. Our brain starts to slow down during mid-day after lunch, and continues to slow down more and more as the day comes to a closure. Therefore, it is good to study as early in the day as possible in order to retain as much information as possible - as quickly as possible. Leaving time for more enjoyable things. By having a study schedule to follow, it will ensure that you plan your daily study and homework time around your brain’s most productive time of day.

C. Be attentive in class: Remember the priorities you set for yourself when you made your goals, after discovering who you are and what you stand for? Well those same goals will need to be proceeded by action. Don’t let other people, or other interest distract you. It is easy to tune out important lecture information, or instructions on how to solve a math problem by writing notes to a friend, sleeping, daydreaming, or by talking and texting when you should be listening. When you are more tentative in class everyone benefits, and a lecture turns into a discussion; making class time more interesting. Teachers notate when a student makes their job easier by contributing to class discussion. So always remember that grades are merely one evaluation of classroom performance.

D. Make effective notes from lessons: Some students say they listen carefully in class, but when they get home, forget everything the instructor discussed. It happens to everyone. That is why it’s important to take accurate notes during lecture time. Organize your notes properly, and be clear and concise when interpreting what you have heard. Some students find the use of things like mind maps and graphic organizers to be beneficial when taking descriptive notes. Always list examples and reference the book and page numbers next to all key topics. Just in case the teacher gets interrupted, or you get distracted and leave out key information by accident.

E. Be quick to change study methods that do not work: Once you find your study methods are producing negative results, it is important to change them right away. Although it is very important to designate a standardized time and place to study and complete assignments. It is equally as important to look for better ways to understand the content. When you have a better understanding of something, it is easier to remember and apply it in different circumstances. For example, if you don’t understand the course material, don’t keep re-reading it. That is a waste of time. Instead consult with your teacher, a tutor, an academic adviser, a classmate, a study group, or your school’s study skills center.

III. Be positive and proactive towards learning

Few people look forward to fulfilling an obligation by a specific date or time. It makes us feel limited to a set of guidelines. However, the world’s existence is based on time. Have you ever heard the expression, “Timing is everything?” Well, it is. All things come with a time, or a deadline in which an event is to occur. Therefore, it is important to remain in the moment. Being present and open to everyday experiences in your life vastly expands your field of knowledge.

It is equally important to make the best out of a boring class by finding ways to associate what is being taught to a real life scenario. For example, take yourself out of a not so exciting science class for a moment, and place yourself in one of Australia’s most indigenous rain forest; studying the rarest species of seaweed algae known to man! Seems more exciting doesn’t it?

Once excitement sets in, curiosity is sure to follow. Asking questions never make a person look stupid. As a matter of fact, studies show that students who are more inquisitive in class have higher test scores than students who shy away from asking questions. If you want to participate in class by asking questions, but are afraid that your question will sound stupid; list “research” as one of your “to-do” assignments. Read more information about the subject matter being discussed in class. As you read, you will discover other interesting facts that pertain to the subject matter. Those tidbits make great discussion pieces.

IV. Develop your critical and creative thinking skills

It is important to build on both your critical (analytical) and creative thought process. Try fun activities that require you to combine complex thinking, along with your creative skills. These activities keep your brain cells firing, and they exercise mental alertness.

A. Critical thinking activities

• Brain teasers

• Crossword puzzles

• Rush hour

B. Creative thinking activities

• Music

• Art

• Dance

• Creative writing: Start a journal to express your dreams, fears, and emotions.

C. Critical & Creative thinking activities

• Model making

• Jig saw puzzles

Always be careful to limit yourself on playing computer and video games.

V. PERSEVERE- failure is the mother of success

The most important accomplishments made in life will never happen overnight. It takes both hard work to learn a subject matter, and dedication to perfect it. Learning is just like anything else, the more you do it - the better you become at it. So do not stress yourself out if you don’t score as high in one class, as you did in another. Simply spend more time at home researching and studying your weakest subjects, and less time on the ones that come easier to you.

Take the time to learn from your mistakes. It is important that you consult someone for advice the moment you notice you answered a question incorrectly. Don’t wait until you move on to another topic. Correct it while the subject is still fresh in your mind.

Russian-born Albert Einstein, founder of the Theory of Relativity, suffered from dyslexia as a child and showed language impairments throughout elementary school. Yet he persevered to become one of the world’s greatest theoretical physicist/philosophers. Perseverance was Einstein’s secret weapon for success. When asked how he manage to accomplish such great deeds he answered, “I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is wrong. The hundred time, I am right.”

VI. Be Teachable

Albert Einstein was not afraid of criticism, and you should not be either. His teachers thought he was mentally challenged, and recommended he attend a school that catered to students with special needs. But, once Einstein mastered the proper learning techniques associated with his particular character trait, history was made.

Although it is important to listen when a teacher gives you constructive criticism, you are the only one who know your true capabilities. Listen to the advice your teacher gives to you. They are only there to build you up, not tear you down.

Becoming a star student does not happen overnight. Like all other accomplishments, it is a process that you develop, and build on over time. Therefore, you should always continue to challenge yourself by finding new and more efficient ways to become more successful in your studies.

Friday, April 23, 2010


The pressure remains as Georgia’s distressed homeowners continue to turn to short sales as a safety net, in an attempt to prevent further damage to their credit ratings. A short sale is simply an alternative to foreclosure.

When a borrower can no longer pay the mortgage on their home or property and the bank decides to sell it for less than what was owed, it is considered to be a distressed property, and is sold as a “short sale”. All three parties involved (buyer, seller, and lender) in the sales transaction can benefit from it.

Short sales are designed to help homeowners avoid poor credit ratings resulting from foreclosure, by allowing them to sell their home to a ready, willing, and able buyer at a cheaper price than their current mortgage. This process helps the bank to avoid hefty fees associated with the foreclosure process, and it gives qualified buyers an opportunity to purchase a home below market value.

Closing on a short sale has always been such a lengthy process. However, due to the bank’s unusually enormous inventory of foreclosed homes, acquired in the past few years, it is now easier than ever before to buy or sell a distressed property.

On April 25, 2010, one of the most important updates, mandated by the federal government, took place concerning short sale properties in which a Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative (HAFA) was established. According to, HAFA simplifies and streamlines the short sale and Deed in Lieu process by providing a standard process flow, minimum performance time frames, and standard documentation.

Although there are basic guidelines that must be met to qualify for HAFA programs; in the end it is up to the individual loan servicer to determine the conditions in which it will accept or deny the short sale.

Basic HAFA guidelines are as follows:

1. The property must be the borrower’s primary residence.

2. The mortgage loan must be a first lien mortgage originated on or before January 1, 2009.

3. The mortgage must be delinquent or default must be reasonably foreseeable.

4. The current unpaid principle balance must be equal to or less than $729,750.

5. The borrower’s total monthly payment must exceed more than 31 percent of their gross income.

Lending institutions now encourage the short sale process, whereas in a stable housing market they avoid them at all cause. As a result, real estate firms specializing in short sale negotiations are spreading like wildfire throughout the Greater Atlanta region.

Gloria Brumfield, a professional loss mitigation specialist with Group 111 Realty, works closely with distressed homeowners to ensure the short sale process goes smoothly and efficiently. With over 5-years experience selling distressed real estate in a bear market, Brumfield is equipped with the skills and knowledge to turn this nightmare into a blessing for many Georgians. “Gloria understood our situation and exercised great patience in explaining all the options available to us,” said Mr. Donovan, an HAFA recipient. She believes that troubled homeowners should be educated in every step of the short sale process.

Group 111 Realty offers foreclosure assistance such as:

Short Sale Processing
• Loan Modifications: NO UPFRONT FEES
• Debt Settlement
• Credit Repair Services
• Forensic Loan Audits
• Pre-Paid Legal Services

Thanks to people like Gloria, homeowners plunging deeper in debt can now get a good night’s sleep knowing that a rescue boat has arrived. And with HAFA making the short sale process quicker and less involved, investor’s are more eager than ever before to purchase these distressed properties.

For more information on short sales and distressed homes contact Gloria Brumfield at

Or click on the link below:

Monday, April 19, 2010

iPHONE...You've been CLONED!

An iPhone clone is simply a phone that looks like the Apple iPhone by design, and is closely associated with its functionality. Most iPhone clones have touch screen capabilities, fast web browsing, and the ability to run third-party applications.

Consumers sometimes choose to buy clones of the original iphone because they can be more affordable. However, some clones are more costly than their original counterpart (Apple iPhone).

For more information on iPhone clones click on the link below:
What Is An iPhone Clone?

Brownstone Townhomes: Consumers 1st Choice!

Brownstones are urban townhomes made of a sandstone material composed mainly of sand-sized minerals or rock grains. These materials are clad in a brick, stucco, or a concrete derivative; then molded and colored creating an elegant stone sheath effect.

Many architectural elements constitute a Brownstone townhome. However, the feature attraction is its set of oriel bow front, or bay windows. The windows were created as a distinguishing feature to separate each individual townhome from its similar neighboring structure. Therefore, each set of windows on a Brownstone are uniquely shaped and surrounded by various cornice designs.

For more information on Brownstones click the link below:

What is a brownstone window?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Home Improvements: Replace your shower base

Want to do some quick and easy inexpensive home improvements this summer? Then replace your shower base.

A shower base, sometimes known as a shower pan or shower tray, makes up the bottom part of a shower enclosure. The purpose of a shower base is to provide a firm base to stand, and to collect water for drainage inside of a shower stall. Normally they are made of acrylic or fiberglass, but high-end shower bases can be made of composite molded materials resembling marble or stone. It is safer to have a shower base made of materials that create a non-slip surface when water and soap scum collects in the tray.

Replacing a shower base can get very costly; as it is cheaper to replace than to repair. For self-installation always remember to pay attention to the joints between wall tiling and the shower pan to avoid water leakage. However, professional installation is highly recommended.

For more information click on the link below:
What is a Shower Base?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to make a Genealogy Chart?

A genealogy chart, also known as an ancestry chart, family chart, or pedigree chart is a record of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor or ancestors. It is very important to know your genealogy for health purposes first and foremost. Secondly, it is always good to know who your family members are, and where they originated from for self-awareness. A genealogy chart can be as simple as a list of family members’ names. And it can get as complex to include dates and places of birth, baptism, marriage, death and burial. These charts usually show between three and five generations in different formats.

For more information click on the link below:
How to make a Genealogy Chart?

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

HEALTH CARE: The Law of the Land

A look at Obama's health care overhaul law

Published: 3/24/10, 3:25 AM EDT

By The Associated Press

HOW MANY COVERED: 32 million uninsured. Major coverage expansion begins in 2014. When fully phased in, 94 percent of eligible non-elderly Americans will have coverage, compared with 83 percent now.

COST: $938 billion over 10 years for the coverage expansion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

DEFICIT REDUCTION: CBO says the measure will reduce deficits by $143 billion over a decade.

INSURANCE MANDATE: Almost everyone will be required to be insured or else pay a fine, which takes effect in 2014. There is an exemption for low-income people.

INSURANCE MARKET REFORMS: Starting this year, insurers will be forbidden from placing lifetime dollar limits on policies, from denying coverage to children because of pre-existing conditions, and from canceling policies because someone gets sick. Parents will be able to keep children on their coverage up to age 26. A new high-risk pool will offer coverage to uninsured people with medical problems until 2014, when the coverage expansion goes into high gear. Major consumer safeguards will also take effect in 2014. Insurers will be prohibited from denying coverage to people with medical problems or charging them more. Insurers will not be able to charge women more.

MEDICAID: Expands the federal-state Medicaid insurance program for the poor to cover people with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, $29,327 a year for a family of four. Childless adults will be covered for the first time, starting in 2014. The federal government will pay 100 percent of costs for covering newly eligible individuals through 2016.

If the Senate approves a package of changes this week, a special deal that would have given Nebraska 100 percent federal financing for newly eligible Medicaid recipients in perpetuity would be eliminated. A different, one-time deal negotiated by Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu for her state, Louisiana, worth as much as $300 million, would remain.

TAXES: The bill applies an increased Medicare payroll tax to investment income and wages of individuals making more than $200,000 a year, or married couples above $250,000. The tax on investment income would be 3.8 percent if the Senate acts on a package of changes this week - higher than originally proposed. If the Senate follows through, the legislation also would impose a 40 percent tax on high-cost insurance plans worth more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. The tax would go into effect in 2018.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: Gradually closes the "doughnut hole" coverage gap in the Medicare prescription drug benefit that seniors fall into once they have spent $2,830. Seniors who hit the gap this year would receive a $250 rebate, if the Senate acts this week. Beginning in 2011, seniors in the gap would receive a discount on brand name drugs, initially 50 percent off. When the gap is completely eliminated in 2020, seniors will still be responsible for 25 percent of the cost of their medications until Medicare's catastrophic coverage kicks in.

EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY: Employers are hit with a fee if the government subsidizes their workers' coverage. Contingent on approval by the Senate this week, the $2,000-per-employee fee would be assessed on the company's entire work force, minus an allowance. Companies with 50 or fewer workers are exempt from the requirement.

HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: Businesses with 25 or fewer employees that offer health coverage to their work force will get tax credits. The credits will start this year and rise in 2014 to a maximum of 50 percent of the cost of premiums offered by the smallest businesses, those with 10 or fewer workers.

SUBSIDIES FOR INDIVIDUALS: The aid is available on a sliding scale for households making up to four times the federal poverty level, $88,200 for a family of four. Premiums for a family of four making $44,000 will be capped at around 6 percent of income.

HOW YOU CHOOSE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE: Small businesses, the self-employed and the uninsured could pick a plan offered through new state-based purchasing pools called exchanges, opening for business in 2014. The exchanges will offer the same kind of purchasing power that employees of big companies benefit from. People working for medium-to-large firms will not see major changes. But if they lose their jobs or strike out on their own, they may be eligible for subsidized coverage through the exchange, and insurers could not deny them coverage.

HOW IT'S PAID FOR: The legislation cuts about $455 billion over 10 years from projected payment increases to hospitals, insurance companies and others under Medicare and other government health programs. Revenue increases over 10 years include: $210 billion from increasing the Medicare payroll tax; $107 billion from fees on insurance companies, drug makers and medical device manufacturers; $32 billion from the excise tax on high-value insurance plans; and $2.7 billion from a tax on indoor tanning services.

GOVERNMENT-RUN PLAN: No government-run insurance plan. People purchasing coverage through the new insurance exchanges will have the option of signing up for national plans overseen by the federal office that manages the health plans available to members of Congress. Those plans will be private, but one would have to be nonprofit.

ABORTION: The bill tries to maintain a strict separation between taxpayer dollars and private premiums that would pay for abortion coverage. No health plan will be required to offer coverage for abortion. In plans that do cover abortion, policyholders would have to pay for it separately, and that money would have to be kept in a separate account from taxpayer money. States could ban abortion coverage in plans offered through the exchange. Exceptions would be made for cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother.