Monday, May 17, 2010

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea

Historically, Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has been associated with Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. However, recently western cultures have been more prone to replace their traditional cup of black tea with whole leaf green tea because of its astonishing therapeutic properties.

There are many different varieties of green tea which can differ substantially based on processing methods, variable growing conditions and harvesting times. But many reported therapeutic properties of green tea remain consistent throughout.

Scientific evidence over the past few decades has proven that, on average, habitual green tea consumers have much lower chances of developing heart disease and certain forms of cancer. According to, green teas consist of approximately a third of the caffeine content per liquid volume of coffee. Therefore, it also helps to improve mental alertness and thinking capabilities.

Researchers associate polyphenols, contained in green tea, to its miraculous healing properties. During the preparation process, leafs, buds, and stems from the Camellia sinensis plant are carefully steamed at high temperatures in order to maintain the atomic structure of their polyphenols.

Other healing properties associated with green tea that have been reported, but not yet scientifically proven are:

• Promoting weight loss through increased metabolism and appetite reduction

• Soothing stomach disorders, vomiting, and diarrhea

• Treating osteoporosis

• Prevention of various cancers such as: breast, prostate, colon and gastric, lung cancer, solid tumor cancers and skin cancer.

• Treating Chron’s disease

• Aiding Parkinson’s disease

• Controlling diabetes

• Curing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

• Controlling blood pressure

• Preventing kidney stones

• Soothing skin damage topically

• Decrease puffiness of the skin if used topically like a tea bag (especially under eyes)

• Treating gum disease

• Used in genital warts ointments

Be careful not to mistake green tea for oolong tea or black tea, as they are made from the same plant. However, oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is completely fermented. As a result of the variation in preparation, they have completely different medicinal effects.

Like everything else, a good thing can easily become toxic to the body if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to exceed five cups of green tea per day.

Side effects due to over consumption include:

Upset stomach


Constipation due to increased urination

Liver problems



• Sleep problems

• Irritability

• Irregular heart beat

• Tremors

• Heart burn

• Dizziness

• Convulsions and confusion

• Increased blood pressure

• Dizziness and ringing in the ears

• Anemia

• Death


  1. Great post about the health benefits of green tea. You can discover why green tea retains much of its health benefits here at -
    Green Tea Health Benefits

  2. Touche Carmen....thanks for the additional info!
