Thursday, May 27, 2010

Conventional and Natural Treatments for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are very common during childbearing years, but can affect women of all ages. Most ovarian cysts are not harmful, and go unnoticed. However, some may cause pain and bleeding when ruptured, resulting in the need for surgical removal.

Both ovaries, the size of walnuts, are located on each side of the uterus. The beginning of a woman’s monthly cycle is signaled by the first day the ovaries work at creating an egg for the ovarian follicle to release in order to become fertilized by male sperm. If the follicle does not release the egg, or if the egg released does not undergo fertilization; then the fluid can deposit in the ovarian wall and form a cyst.

Noncancerous cysts in the ovaries are a fairly normal process, and usually dissolve themselves in a matter of weeks on their own. Although, ovarian cysts are sometimes found in ovarian cancer cells; they are typically viewed as a common part of ovulation, and are considered to be benign or noncancerous.


1. Follicular cysts: are the most common ovarian cysts, also known as functional or simple. Functional ovarian cysts are the result of an ovarian follicle failing to release an egg, and the remaining fluid from the follicle’s egg forms a cyst inside the walls of the ovary; instead of breaking through the ovary walls to be released into the fallopian tubes for the fertilization process. They are labeled “functional” because they are not associated with a disease. Usually, these cysts can grow to be close to 2.3 inches in diameter. About one-fourth of women experience pain during ovulation in the ovary where the cysts exits.

Corpus luteum cysts: occurs when an egg, released from a follicle, is not fertilized and remains on the ovary to produce a fluid or blood filled cysts. This cyst usually doesn’t produce symptoms.

Hemorrhagic cysts: is simply a blood filled cyst that can cause pain in the abdomen.

2. Dermoid cysts: is very uncommon, and they usually occur in younger women. Growing up to 6 inches in diameter, this benign tumor can contain fat, bone, hair, and cartilage. They can become inflamed and cause pain by twisting around the ovaries.

3. Endometriomas or endometrioid cysts: is associated with endometriosis. These cysts are formed when endometrial tissue develops and grows in the ovaries; sometimes growth can get up to 8 inches in diameter. Severe pelvis pain is associated with endometriomas cysts.

4. Polycystic-appearing ovary: is usually twice the size of other ovarian cysts, with the presence of small cysts on the outside of the ovary. This common condition occurs in 4%-7% of reproductive age women, and causes an increase risk of endometrial cancer. Pain, abnormal bleeding, and infertility are all associated with this polycystic ovarian disorder.

5. Cystadenoma: is a benign mucus filled tumor made of ovarian tissue.


• Irregular menstrual cycles

• Early menstruation (starting sooner than 11 years of age)

• History of previous ovarian cysts

• Increased upper body fat distribution

• Infertility

• Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance

• Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer


• Lower abdominal or pelvic pain

• Lower abdominal or pelvic pressure or fullness

• Irregular menstrual periods

• Lower back pain

• Pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse

• Pain or pressure during urination or bowel movements

• Vaginal pain or spotting

• Nausea or vomiting

• Infertility


1. Oral contraceptives: are recommended to regulate the menstrual cycle, and prevent cysts from occurring in the follicles. In some cases contraceptives reduced the size of existing cysts.

2. Pain relievers: anti-inflammatory medications and narcotics are prescribed to relieve mild-to-severe pain.

3. Surgery: cysts that grow to become abnormally large or last longer than usual (a few months), should be removed.

a. Laparoscopic surgery: small incisions are made, and a thin scope is inserted into the abdominal wall. Once the cyst is identified, the surgeon removes it or takes a sample of it.

b. Laparotomy: is more invasive, because a larger incision is made through the abdominal wall to access and abstract, or take samples of the cyst.

c. Surgery for ovarian torsion: requires immediate emergency surgery to correct.


1. Liver Cleanse: helps to cleanse the blood and regulate hormone levels in the body.

2. Diet: foods that help to ease discomfort resulting from cysts, and reduce recurrence are green leafy vegetables (raw if possible), raw fruits, garlic, whole grains, legumes. Foods to avoid are processed or refined foods, red meats, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, white sugars, carbonated drinks, foods high in fat.

3. Vitamins: A, E, and C

4. Mild Exercise: should increase as pain lessens

5. Herbs:

• Blue Cohosh

• Black Cohosh

• Vitex

• Dandelion Root

• Black Haw

• Milk Thistle

• Pau d' Arco

• Chaparral

• Bee Pollen

• Yarrow

• Wild Yam

Monday, May 17, 2010

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea

Historically, Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has been associated with Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. However, recently western cultures have been more prone to replace their traditional cup of black tea with whole leaf green tea because of its astonishing therapeutic properties.

There are many different varieties of green tea which can differ substantially based on processing methods, variable growing conditions and harvesting times. But many reported therapeutic properties of green tea remain consistent throughout.

Scientific evidence over the past few decades has proven that, on average, habitual green tea consumers have much lower chances of developing heart disease and certain forms of cancer. According to, green teas consist of approximately a third of the caffeine content per liquid volume of coffee. Therefore, it also helps to improve mental alertness and thinking capabilities.

Researchers associate polyphenols, contained in green tea, to its miraculous healing properties. During the preparation process, leafs, buds, and stems from the Camellia sinensis plant are carefully steamed at high temperatures in order to maintain the atomic structure of their polyphenols.

Other healing properties associated with green tea that have been reported, but not yet scientifically proven are:

• Promoting weight loss through increased metabolism and appetite reduction

• Soothing stomach disorders, vomiting, and diarrhea

• Treating osteoporosis

• Prevention of various cancers such as: breast, prostate, colon and gastric, lung cancer, solid tumor cancers and skin cancer.

• Treating Chron’s disease

• Aiding Parkinson’s disease

• Controlling diabetes

• Curing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

• Controlling blood pressure

• Preventing kidney stones

• Soothing skin damage topically

• Decrease puffiness of the skin if used topically like a tea bag (especially under eyes)

• Treating gum disease

• Used in genital warts ointments

Be careful not to mistake green tea for oolong tea or black tea, as they are made from the same plant. However, oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is completely fermented. As a result of the variation in preparation, they have completely different medicinal effects.

Like everything else, a good thing can easily become toxic to the body if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to exceed five cups of green tea per day.

Side effects due to over consumption include:

Upset stomach


Constipation due to increased urination

Liver problems



• Sleep problems

• Irritability

• Irregular heart beat

• Tremors

• Heart burn

• Dizziness

• Convulsions and confusion

• Increased blood pressure

• Dizziness and ringing in the ears

• Anemia

• Death

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gardening Tips

My Garden 2009

I  am certain that everyone have their flowers and vegetables in the ground by now. Well, if you haven't then don't worry, you still have time. However, do it immediately in order to give plants reasonable time to get "grounded," or rooted in the ground. Yes, the old saying about building a strong foundation of hard work leads to success is right. The hardest thing to achieve in the process of gardening is a strong root system. And, if it is not achieved properly, the adult plant will not yield big and strong flowers, fruit, or vegetables.

Plants: How to Build a Strong Root System 
Well, good luck with that if you think you can just toss some water on a plant every morning, high noon, and yield this darling plant blooming with flowers, and producing an abundance of juicy, delicious vegetables or fruit. Sorry, but that's just not going to happen. In order to maximize your production you must feed the roots, with fertilizer, initially when planting your seeds or baby plants.

To this very day, Asians master the art of farming because they continue to do it as a means to provide food for their families, not just as a personal preference. They value farming as a "gift from above." Therefore, they take great care to birth plants properly. During colder seasons, good farmers continue to toss all of their fruit and vegetable peels over soil they plan to grow in during peak season.

The process works as follows: Nutrients from the fruit and vegetable peels start to release from a dormant state as the ground heats and decomposes the matter. As temperatures get hotter, baby plants continue to feed on the slow release of nutrients and the roots grow deeper and more sturdy.

Take the peels from the fruit and vegetables you eat daily, and cut them up. Then, toss them on top of your soil. It's free, so be smart and take advantage of the best fertilizer known to mankind. Bananas are the best because they contain protein, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and both omegas 3 and 6.

How to Grow Sturdy and Prosperous Plants
  • Fertilize: My father's favorite fertilization technique was to pour magnesium sulfate or Epsom salt, on the roots of each of his plants once a week. Try it and you will be thanking me all summer long! Alternate one cup of Epsom salt per one gallon of water, with any kind of miracle grow fertilizer every other week. Although magnesium sulfate increases the rate in which plants grow, it does not provide the nutrients found in fruit and vegetable peels, or miracle grow fertilizer. All three fertilizers are vital to use in combination on an ongoing bases. Always remember that you can't feed your plants with enough fruit and vegetable peels so never throw them away!
  • Water: Watering plants is also a serious commitment. It is best to wake up early in the morning and water plants before the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This gives them enough time to drink at their leisure, before the water evaporates. Every plant requires a different amounts of water. For instance, cucumbers require daily watering. And, on days when temperatures sore above ninety, they need to be watered twice a day. However, tomatoes and green peppers only need to be watered once a week, and twice a week when temperatures sore above ninety. It is always important to Google growing instructions on every plant prior to planting.
  • Prune- Pruning is done to increase the size and amount of flowers, fruit or vegetables a plant yields. For instance, okra plants must be pruned or they will grow very tall, and start to produce less vegetables. 
Ground or Planter Pot?
It doesn't matter weather you plant your things in the ground, or in the most trendiest planter pot. The techniques in which you use to care for your plants, determine the success of your crop. On the other hand, this trendy idea of growing plants upside down is causing farmers, big and small, to "jump the bandwagon". Upside down planters, such as the Topsy Turvy, are spreading like wildfire. People like them because you can save ground space by hanging them on your deck, balcony or patio. And, they eliminates weeding, caging and staking (normally done to hold plants upright).

Benefits of the Topsy Turvy:

  1. Uses gravity as a verticle growing advantage.
  2. The vertical grow bag heats plants like a greenhouse, so the root system explodes.
  3. Gravity pulls the water and nutrients directly to the roots.
  4. Plants are less likely to be damaged by animals and insects living in the ground.
The Topsy Turvy is good for both the big time farmer and the city slicker farmer (such as myself), with a small amount of land space to grow in. But, a huge desire to plant as many of their favorite fruit and veggies as possible. 
Topsy Turvy- space saver

Topsy Turvy- Strawberry Planter

Friday, May 7, 2010

Top 5 Mother’s Day Gifts

It is time for Mother’s Day again, and if you're like everyone else you still haven’t purchased your one-of-a-kind mom a Mother’s Day gift. Every mother is different, and the gift should match your personal relationship with that particular person. For instance, if you are shopping for your wife, you definitely want to search for things more sensual like a massage, perfume or cosmetics. On the other hand, when buying for your mother feel free to use your lifetime knowledge, and buy the best of her most favorite things. Interesting enough, you may find that your mother and wife both like similar things. After all, don’t all women like spa gift certificates, leather bags, jewelry, perfume and cosmetics?

According to personal research results, 9 out of 10 internet websites listed each of the following five gifts as being one of the “Top 10 Mother’s Day gifts”.

1. Spa Gift Certificate

What says relaxation better than an aromatherapy massage? If you can answer that, than you are on to something. Massage increases circulation, improves flexibility, releases toxins in the body, promotes better sleep, and relieves sore muscles. Not only is massage healthy for you, but it also feels amazing.

• Not every mother likes being touched. If that is the case try other services at the spa like, facials, body wraps, manicures or pedicures.

• Don’t know which services she wants? Buy one gift certificate and most spas honor any service so that your mother can be the one to decide what she wants. Just purchase your certificate for a particular dollar amount.

2. Leather Bags

No woman can ever lose the desire for more bags. Women need bags to hold their most valuable treasures. These bags must change with a woman’s wardrobe and equally match her shoes. In order for a woman to pull that off, she must have numerous styles and types of bags.

• Wallets
• Travel bags – carry on
• Luggage
• Make-up bags
• Laptop bags
• Business bags

3. Jewelry

The most subjective gift in the world is jewelry. Take care to be appropriate, according to the nature of your relationship. It is always safe to match your gift with a piece that she already has. As a result, she will wear it more often.

4. Perfume

Every woman likes to look good and smell great. Choosing perfume is very similar to picking out jewelry. Buy something similar to the perfume she wears the most. No one ever forgets the smell of a women they care about.

5. Cosmetics

Every woman wants to look and feel their best at all times. So get the gift of cosmetics, and you can help her to achieve both.

Buy things to keep her looking and feeling great like:

Make-up: find out the exact brand name and color numbers (I promise she will be both surprised and impressed).

Facial Care Products: cleanser, facial exfoliants, moisturizers, and more.

Bubble Baths, Bath Salts and Body Exfoliants

Now go out and give those special mothers in your life the best Mother’s Day gift that your money can buy.


Giving money alone $$$ - It is impersonal to give only money. If your special mom needs money, by all means give it to her. But always give a small gift along with it. Include something as simple as a $5 jar of bath salts, or a tube of her favorite color lipstick. Anything will make it more of a gift from the heart, and less of a “guilty payoff”.

Unwrapped gifts – A mother’s day gift should be somewhat of a surprise if possible. Always wrap or bag your gifts to prolong that feeling of excitement and curiosity. It will make the moment much more memorable.

• Just dinner alone – You should be taking her out to restaurants throughout the year already. This is a special day, include a gift.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Unfried Chicken

This fried chicken keeps you thin by providing potassium to beat the bloat!

• 1 cup breadcrumbs
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1 tsp chopped fresh parsley
• 1 tsp chopped fresh sage
• 1 tsp fresh thyme
• 1 tbsp Old Bay Seasoning
• 1 tbsp kosher salt
• ½ tsp black pepper
• ½ tsp cayenne pepper
• ½ cup light buttermilk
• 2 tsp olive oil
• 2 whole bone-in, skinless chicken breast (about 12oz each), halved

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place a roasting rack on a baking sheet and coat with a little olive oil. Combine breadcrumbs, Dijon mustard, parsley, sage, thyme, Old Bay, salt, pepper, and cayenne in a shallow bowl. Pour buttermilk into another shallow bowl. Dip chicken in buttermilk, turning to coat. Drain excess and dredge chicken in breadcrumb mixture, pressing gently to help coating adhere. Transfer chicken to rack. Coat chicken with remaining olive oil and bake until crispy, 30 to 35 minutes.

Let cool then serve.

Courtesy of chefs Mark Gaier and Clark Frasier of Arrows Restaurant, in Ogunquit Maine.