Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rare Cancer Linked to Saline & Silicone Breast Implants

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, both saline and silicone gel-filled breast implants may be linked to nearly 60 reports of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).

ALCL is a rare yet aggressive type of cancer that makes up only 3 percent of lymphoma cases in adults, according to the Lymphoma Research Foundation.

In 2010, there were 60 reports of ALCL in 5-10 million people worldwide. However, only 34 of these cases were discovered in the U.S.

It is important for people to understand that ALCL is not the same as breast cancer, but is a form of lymphoma.

Breast implant recipients have reported symptoms of ALCL years, sometimes decades, after implant surgery.

Symptoms of ALCL include:

• Swelling
• Puffiness
• Pain and soreness
• Lumps
• Asymmetry of the breast

This rare cancer almost always shows up in fluid and scar tissue capsule surrounding the implant sack.

In some cases simply removing the implant and scar tissue gets rid of the disease, but some women might need chemotherapy and radiation, said Dr. William Maisel, the chief scientist and deputy director for science in the drug agency’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

Since reported cases of ALCL are so minimal, women with no symptoms are simply advised to get their regular annual check-ups; and make sure to inform their general physicians about their implants.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Top Money Saving Tips

With the economy experiencing such uncertain times, people everywhere are searching for ways to save a buck or two. From grouping errands…to car pooling…to coupon cutting, and shopping for discounted services and used products; we all are searching for the most effective money saving tactics we can find.

When attempting to save money, it is better to start looking at things in a smaller scope.  

Record the expenses you’ll need to make in order to conduct your week successfully.

  • First, make a list of your weekly transportation expenses and your household’s weekly food and medical expenses.
  • Next, review your necessity list thoroughly, and circle the expenses you may be able to minimize or alleviate all together by shopping for better rates or bundling services.
  • Finally, make a separate list consisting of all of your extra splurges. Splurges are anything you don’t need to survive, but things that makes life more pleasant like hair and nails, shopping, entertainment and eating out.

Once you have reviewed your entire spending habits and minimized, sometimes elevating, as many financial obligations as possible; then you are ready to add those fun rewarding splurges that makes life more enjoyable.

Rating your splurges from most important to least important is the easiest way to budget them.

Check for discounts on services provided by your favorite stylist, nail salon, massage therapist, and personal trainer on your social networking news feeds.  Deduct them from your remaining funds left over, after all revolving bills are minimized and paid.

    Tips to help minimize expenses:

    1.       Use less:  Always start using less first by buying less stuff to use. Start by making a list before going shopping. When making the conscious decision to use less stuff, first you must go back to your necessity list to find out what you need to live. Out of all the things you need to live, see if you can use even less of each than what you are currently using. For example, turn the lights off before leaving your bedroom. Dress warmer or cooler, depending upon the weather, so that you don’t run the heat and air as much.  Buy more frozen fruits and veggies to prevent spoilage.  And, buy less soda and junk food. Also, planning your meals by the week helps you to stretch ingredients better.

    2.       Shop for sales and discounts: Shop for discounts on quality products and services. Check the Sunday’s paper for coupons.  Join discount websites such as Groupon, Living Social, and Scout Mob. And, check your local hair salon, your personal trainers, and your massage therapist to see if they are offering any deals. Join their Facebook and Twitter pages, and make sure you are included in their email list. It is important to have first hand access of their specials to help with your budgeting.

    3.       Shop for cheaper utilities and insurance rates: Shop for cheaper home and auto insurance rates every year or two; and take a defensive driver’s class to lower auto insurance rates. Shop for cheaper rates on all utilities such as electric, gas, internet and phone, and cable service providers. 
    4.       Buy in bulk: Even small households can benefit from buying in bulk. Get Ziploc bags and bag things based upon what is needed for each individual meal. It’s always cheaper to buy in bulk for a discounted price, rather than paying full price for smaller quantities.

    5.       Establish a personal budget:  After you are done listing everything needed to live, subtract that from the amount of money that you make in a given month. Then divide that number by the average number of weeks in a month (4), and the remaining amount is your weekly spending budget for extra things other than survival necessities.  Once you have an idea of your personal spending budget, you know how much money you can use to play with. Then shop for discounts and specials on the things you’d like to have, but don’t necessarily need. 

    6.       Car pool and group tasks: Completing all of your errands at the same time saves gas. You may realize that the very same product you drive across town to purchase can be bought at your local area stores, especially if you stay up on weekly specials. Saving gas by carpooling and grouping tasks also equals saving money.

    7.       Don’t forget to save: When it comes to saving, the term “How can you miss what you never had” applies. After you have completed your budget make-over, contact your bank to open a saving account that is attached to your checking account. Try to save at least 10% of your monthly earnings in an interest bearing account.  But make sure you have the control to stop the drafting when needed, or simply have the funds capable of rolling it back into your checking account for emergency overdrafts or insufficient funds that can sometimes occur.

     FOR MORE INFORMATION ON QUALITY MASSAGE SERVICES FOR DISCOUNTED PRICES CONTACT World Therapy Center at 404-946-3619. Or log on to, where you will find August Specials for as low as $65.00 for a 1hr. massage, and $80.00 for a 90 minute massage.

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    Tips on Getting a Good Night's Sleep

    In order to function properly, most people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.

    However, studies have shown that people are not getting the proper amount of sleep.

    According to the National Sleep Foundation, the amount of sleep required is solely based upon each individuals needs; which can directly relate to a person's physical demands.

    The level of quality sleep (hours spent in deep uninterrupted sleep) also has a big influence on the amount of time an individual should spend sleeping each night.

    Although there is no established amount of time that everyone should spend sleeping each night, one thing experts are surely certain of is that the body doesn't function well when sleep deprived.

    Sleep Deprivation Can Cause:

    1. Loss productivity
    2. Inability to remember and comprehend information.
    3. Weight gain due to increased appetite cause by sleep deprivation.
    4. Increase probability of diabetes and heart issues.
    5. Psychiatric conditions such as depression and drug abuse.
    6. Decreased ability to react to things.
    7. Sickness

    Northside Hospital's Sleep Disorders Centers offer these tips for getting a better night's sleep:

    * Eliminate worries.

    * If you are concerned about something, make a list of steps you will take to resolve the problem the next day.

    * Take a warm, candle light bath with relaxing music.

    * Do some light reading before bedtime.

    * Don't nap during the day for longer than 20 minutes on a regular basis.

    * Avoid naps after 5 pm.

    * Make your bedroom more conducive to sleep (quite, dark, and comfortable).

    * Don't read, watch TV, or do work in bed for extended periods of time.

    * Finish eating at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

    * Exercise regularly, but finish at least 3 hours before bedtime.

    * Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol after your evening meal.

    * Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule. However don't get into bed unless you're sleepy.

    For additional tips, visit

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    Top Seven Reasons for Drinking Water

    Certainly we have all heard the saying, “The human body consists of 75% water”. As a result we are advised to drink at least 64 ounces of fluids, preferably water, daily. This is especially important for physically active people, and during the summer season when we tend to perspire more.

    • Muscles consist of 75% water

    • The brain consists of 90% water

    • Blood consists of 83% water

    • Bone consists of 22% water

    That is why it is of no surprise that we need water, not only to live but to function normally at our daily activities.

    Water lubricates and protects our joints, regulates our body temperature, transports nutrients and oxygen to our cells, protects our vital organs such as the heart and lungs, and aids in digestion and detoxification.

    Without adequate amounts of water one can experience the following symptoms:

    • Dry Skin

    • Constipation

    • Tiredness

    • Muscle cramps

    • Attention deficit

    • Migraines

    • Irregular blood pressure

    Top Seven Reasons for Drinking Water:

    1. Youthful Looking Skin- water contributes to better skin elasticity. It helps to moisturize the skin, as well as aids in the formation of new skin cells. All of these elements help to improve the overall appearance and youthfulness of our skin.

    2. Better Productivity at Work- water helps you think faster and concentrate more on a given subject. It has been proven that the proper amount of fluids in the body help the neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord to function more efficiently.

    3. Loss Weight- water promotes weight loss by flushing down fat bi-products once they are broken down metabolically. Water also aids in metabolism. In addition, water helps to reduce hunger urges.

    4. Less Muscle Damage- water keeps the joints and muscles lubricated so the likely hood of getting sprains and cramps are lower.

    5. Relieves Fatigue- when water levels are low the heart and other organs have to work twice as hard to perform their normal functions, due to the lack of water to help facility the transfer of nutrients to our heart and lungs. Therefore, our body becomes fatigue as a result of the demand for more energy to perform its normal duties.

    6. Natural Remedy for Headaches- dehydration is one of the main causes of headaches. So drinking more water helps to prevent headaches caused by dehydration.

    7. Aids in Digestion and Constipation- Fiber and water works together to facilitate digestion. By drinking water food by-products are pushed throughout the system easier.

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    The Best Home Remedies for Sunburn Relief

    Summer is finally here and it is time for poolside parties, beach vacations and lots of fun in the sun. But we must be careful.  As the Ozone layers are slowly fading away overtime; rays from the sun are becoming more and more intensely hazardous to our skin. 

    Even people of darker complexions are starting to get skin damage from the sun’s prevailing rays.   

    The worse thing about sunburn is that most of us don’t know we have it until the harm has already been done.

    Therefore, it is good to have something on hand to soothe the skin from negative effects of the sun.  

    Depending upon your genetics, hormones, skin sensitivity, and what kind of medications you are consuming; it is easy to get burned even after applying sufficient amounts of sunscreen or sun block. 

    However, there are many home remedies to soothe the skin from intense sun damage. Before applying anything topical, it is always important to wash the area with cold water. Only use white cloths to pat the skin clean, as it reduces the irritation. And never use soap on sunburns, as it may cause farther drying to the skin.

    1.       Witch Hazel:  Apply a generous amount of Witch Hazel directly on damaged skin with a dry, white cloth. You can use cotton balls for smaller regions. Witch Hazel is an amazing astringent with great anti-inflammatory properties. 

    2.       Aloe Vera:  Aloe Vera has been use to correct and soothe skin damage and wound healing since the B.C. times. The aloe plant is the purest form of aloe you can get. Carefully cut ½ inch of the leaf, peel it open so that the juicy parts are exposed, and apply it directly to the damaged skin. However, it is important to test a small portion of undamaged skin for an allergic reaction beforehand. 

    3.       Baking Soda: Sprinkle ½ cup of baking soda into lukewarm bath water (about the temperature of a baby’s bath water).  Soak for about 5 minutes, then get out and air dry. Let the baking soda solution dry into your skin as much as possible.

    4.       Vinegar: Mix 1 cup of white or apple cider vinegar into room temperature bath water. Make sure the water is lukewarm, but tolerable (about the temperature of a baby’s bath water).  Soak for about 5-minutes and pat dry with a clean white towel. Similar to Witch Hazel, vinegar is a great astringent and helps to reduce the pain. Never apply vinegar directly on the damaged skin because it will cause farther irritation. Always dilute it when soothing sunburns.

    5.       Yogurt:  Paste on a significant amount of plain yogurt to the irritated areas. Rise in a cool shower and pat dry with a clean white towel. Yogurt helps to soothe the burning.

    6.       Tea Bags: Take a lukewarm bath and add 3 tea bags. Soak for 5-10 minutes and pat dry with a clean white towel. The tannic acid in tea reduces skins inflammation and relieves the pain. Tea bags are also good to apply directly to the eyes for sunburn of the eye lids and underneath the eyes.

    7.       Lavender:  is the miracle cure for sunburn. If you have some lavender essential oil at home, it is best to use it for sunburns before resorting to any other method because it can prevent peeling later, if used properly. But more importantly, lavender can help keep the tan sometimes lost from peeling. Be careful with lavender essential oils because some are diluted with alcohol, which can cause burning and more drying to the skin. Make sure to select the pure 100% Lavender Essential Oil. When applying first cool and clean the skin with cold water. Then apply the lavender directly to the burn drop by drop. Get a cotton swab and spread it over the entire region. If you have a large area that has been damaged, add 10 drops of lavender to lukewarm bathwater and soak the area. Pat dry with a clean white towel. 

    Sunburn remedies are not a onetime fix. It is important to repeat the process as needed, based upon the severity of the burn.

    Always hydrate the skin with a natural oil or cream like olive oil, or pure Shea butter shortly after treating the burn. When using Shea butter in its natural form it is thick and hard to apply without rubbing. Never rub a sunburn. First you must heat the Shea butter (microwave or stove top) until is liquefies. 

    According to, see a doctor immediately if there are signs of shock, heat exhaustion, or severe sunburn such as:
    • dizziness
    • rapid pulse
    • rapid breathing
    • nausea, fever, or chills
    • severe skin blisters
    • extreme thirst, diminished/no urine output
    • patches of purple discoloration
    • intense itching
    • spreading of the burned skin patches
    Also, be sure to hydrate your body by drinking a lot of water after sun exposure. Water also helps to rehydrate the skin as well.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    The Untold Truth about Today’s Housing Market

    The housing market has been steadily undergoing changes since its initial plummet to dooms day in 2007; and its rock bottom descend in 2009. As a matter of fact, home foreclosures just started to level out in 2010. 

    As we all know, many homeowners lost their homes to the bank and many are still walking away from their homes while the banks are coming back to redeem their security deed due to non-payment. 

    It is devastating enough being forced to leave your primary residence; but what’s even more embarrassing is the credit rejection experienced when searching for another home immediately after a foreclosure.  

    In this tough market its good to know that someone has designed a program to help struggling homeowners avoid total credit ruin.  

    Freedom Investment Group, LLC is a creative real estate investment firm that thinks “outside the box”. Owner/CEO, Jim Sakalis, knows the importance of being versatile during changing times. 

    Freedom Investment Group caters to homeowners that owe much more on their homes than fair market value. 

    Once a distressed homeowner contacts a Freedom Investment agent, they are guaranteed to receive the best options for their situation, says Mr. Sakalis.

    After a one-on-one assessment, Freedom Investment Group guides struggling homeowners through the process to salvage their situation, while protecting their credit worthiness.   

    Either way it’s a win-win situation for homeowners. They get to avoid foreclosure, and in a lot of cases help in placing them into affordable housing.

    The process sounds easy, but it may not be as simple as one would think. According to Mr. Sakalis, “Banks don’t want to work with short sale properties as much, because they get government bailout money for their loss.  As a result, we have developed tactful strategies to manipulate the bank into working out a short sale.”

    The Freedom Investment Group has provided quality real estate services to the greater Atlanta area since 2004.  They are a one-stop-shop, providing rental and property management services, buyer, and seller services, and investor services. 

    Their goal is to help educate and provide the best options available to homeowners.

    For more information contact The Freedom Investment Group at 770-374-0313. Or visit them on the web at:

    All data and information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed by The Freedom Investment Group and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Tonya Lachey Jones. Tonya Lachey Jones makes no representation as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information; or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Nor is the owner or writer of this blog liable for the misinterpretations of any past or future articles posted. 

    Friday, April 15, 2011

    Detox and Double Weight Loss

    You may be in need of an effective detoxification program if you are experiencing skin problems, digestive discomfort, chronic fatigue, or weight gain. 

    Cleansing and weight loss goes hand-in-hand. The first step in the weight loss process is for your body to rid itself of toxins before burning the fat. Toxins are eliminated from the body through sweat, urine and fecal matter. 

    That is why we notice a decrease in water retention before we can see a change in fat and cellulite reduction. 

    Every minute of the day our bodies work towards cleansing in order to minimize the negative effects of toxins (such as skin problems, digestive discomfort, chronic fatigue, or weight gain). 

    By assisting your body in the detoxification process, you are lessening the load your system must undergo to operate effectively at increasing metabolic rates. And we all know that an increase in metabolism equates to an increase in weight loss.

    There are many different herbal supplements you can use to jump start your detoxification program. Drop by your local health food store and speak with one of their professionals to find out what your product options are. 

    However, be sure to consult with your physician beforehand for a list of ingredients you should avoid, based upon your medical conditions. 

    What to Expect During Your Cleanse?

    During your cleansing and detoxification program try to avoid the following foods:

    1.      Avoid Fried Foods
    2.      Avoid foods high in Sodium
    3.      Avoid processed foods like Flour, Sugar, Butter or Margarine & White Rice
    4.      Avoid Sugary Foods, Candy and Sugary Beverages
    5.      Avoid Canned Food and Boxed Food
    6.      Reduce your Cheese & Dairy intake
    7.      Reduce your Beef and Pork intake
    8.      Avoid Artificial Ingredients
    9.      Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine
    10.  Avoid Hydrogenated fats

    Also, avoid taking long road trips or plane flights during your cleansing program, and stay close to a private bathroom at all times. 

    During your cleansing and detoxification program try to consume the following foods:

    1.      Water: Hydration helps to battle hunger and wash away toxins (try adding lemon to stimulate digestion).
    2.      Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
    3.      Fish & Lean Meats
    4.      Nuts
    5.      Green Tea
    6.      Low-fat Butter Substitutes and Low-fat Creams & Sauces
    7.      Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil
    8.      Apple Cider Vinegar
    9.      Fresh Herbs, Ginger Root, and Garlic: they help to speed metabolism and aid in detoxification.
    10.  Whole Wheat all natural Fiber substances: bread, flaxseed, others.
    11.  Probiotics
    Following a well planned detoxification program can be the key to helping you loss those extra pounds you have been struggling with for years. Some like to refer to it as “The Last 10 Pounds”.

    Although detoxing is the best way to jump-start any weight loss program; you must keep in mind that detoxing with any supplements such as pills or herbal teas can be taxing on the liver. 

    Therefore, it is always a good idea to take liver stimulants before and after your detoxification program.

    What are Liver Stimulants?

    Liver stimulants are substances that assist the liver in its filtering role. The liver works hard daily to filter the blood in our entire body several times a day. It breaks down toxins and sends them through the digestive system to be eliminated. By assisting the liver at its job, the detoxification process will be improved one-hundred fold.

    1.      Milk Thistle: delivers silymarin, which plays a role in liver cell protection and regeneration.
    2.      Artichoke Extract: is closely related to milk thistle, but it delivers the liver protective compound known as cynarin.
    3.      Dandelion Root: stimulates the liver and bile production for more efficient removal of toxins.

    This information is provided for educational purposes only under section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act 0f 1994; and is not intended as medical advice. For more in-depth information contact your health care professional. 

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    How to Reverse the Effects of Stress….

    If there has ever been a time in history when avoiding stress was inevitable, it is now.  We experience pressure from our family and friends demanding time and attention.

    We experience pressure with employment and the attempt to achieve our goals and ambitions; as well as our personal standards, our health and finances. 

    And, we fight with all of the doubts, fears and insecurities that we face even when our mind is sound asleep.
    With all of this going on…there is no wonder why we are feeling unbelievable amounts of stress. 

    According to Paul Wilson, author of The Calm Technique, Stress is popularly accepted as the most common promoter of disease and discomfort in the Western world. It is blamed for escalating incidence of heart disease and the rising national blood pressure; it encourages almost every fashionable ailment from migraine headaches to cancer; it reduces resistance to disease; it contributes to the rampant insanity and social disorders that confront us every day of our lives. 

    Effects of Stress 

    1.       Hypertension/High blood pressure
    2.       Indigestion
    3.       Constipation
    4.       Heart Palpitations/ Irregular heartbeats
    5.       Insomnia
    6.       Impotence

    Unfortunately, stress doesn’t go away without intervention; it builds and builds until it negatively influences both the mind and body.

    Therefore, it is very important to focus on reversing the effects of stress every single day. There is no such thing as a onetime fix for stress. But by combing diet, exercise, massage therapy and meditation; stress can be minimized and the effects of stress can be reversed.

    Eating healthy well-balanced meals can help to reverse the effects of stress by boosting your mood, increasing energy levels, and keeping you focus. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber also helps to boost the immune system to fight off the many effects of stress.

    Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good. It is said to be equivalent to the satisfaction you get when eating or being with the one you love.  Therefore, by increasing your weekly exercise regimens, your stress levels will start to decrease.  

    Massage Therapy
    Much like exercise and meditation; regular massage therapy has been documented to promote relaxation, increase blood circulation through deep breathing and muscle manipulation, and to immediately reduce stress. 

    Meditation influences your state of mind by making you feel more relaxed and happy. It calms the nervous system, increases blood flow and the circulation of nutrients throughout the body by promoting deep breathing. 

    Overall, a combination of diet, exercise, massage therapy and meditation can have profoundly positive effects on stress reduction.

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    To Cook or Not to Cook?

    To size it all up in a nut-shell, "Cook or Not to Cook" shouldn't be a matter of either/or; but a question asking..."How much of each should I consume daily?"

    According to most research done on raw verses cooked foods, scientists have discovered that a little of both is required in order to have a well-balanced diet which contains all of the daily nutrients and vitamins our bodies need; yet have a minimal dosage of toxins from pesticides and other chemicals obtained through food preparation.

    A diet exclusively made of raw food sounds  good.

    Raw fruits, nuts and vegetables are loaded with many vitamins and minerals the body needs to function at its best.
    However, in most individuals, the human body is not designed to function on an exclusive raw food diet.
    Most starchy vegetables are easier to digest cooked than uncooked; and should be cooked without salt or butter.

    Although fresh fruit and salad vegetables contain vitamins such as A, C, and D, and are loaded with minerals the body needs to maintain normally on a daily basis.

    The human body still needs small portions of cooked starchy foods to provide it with the protein and carbohydrates needed for daily energy.

    Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage which contain goitrogens (which inhibit thyroid hormone) and are neutralized with light cooking, as well as some leafy greens, like spinach, kale, chard and collard greens which contain oxalic acid which reduce the absorption of calcium and can irritate the intestines. (Vreni Gurd, writer for Trusted.MD)

    Below is a list of foods that are easier to digest when cooked:

    .Baked Potato

    .Cooked Grains (brown rice, wheat, oatmeal, quinoa)

    .Beans & Peas

    .Nuts (should be roasted or soaked in water, excluding peanuts)



    .Collard Greens



    Below is a list of foods that are more beneficial for the body consumed raw:


    .Alfalfa Sprouts


    .Fresh Fruit





    According to Gurd, Ideally 40-60% of our diet should consist of uncooked foods.

    In a normal diet, it can be difficult consuming that much raw food in one day.

    Therefore, you should try starting your morning off with mixed berry smoothies.

    For a great smoothie recipe go to:

    Add a fresh fruit and some yogurt to your lunch menu, followed by a fresh salad approximately 1-2 hour later (yogurt helps your body to digest uncooked vegetables).

    Then have a mid-day snack consisting of celery (no dipping sauce), cucumbers, carrots, and/or nuts.

    And finally, for the last meal of the day be sure to included steamed vegetables along with all of your evening meals.

    If you are watching your weight, try to excluded as many starches as possible from your evening dinner.

    In conclusion, it is safe to say that no one preparation is the WINNER in the battle between "Cooked or Non-Cooked Foods."

    Just like "light" verses "dark", "yin" verses "yang," and "cold" verses "hot"....each must exist to create a well-balanced and healthy life.

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    Top 5 Power Foods of the Week: Slow Aging, Prevent Disease, and Boost Immunity

    Almonds- Eating about 48 almonds a day gives you approximately 50 percent of the daily amount of magnesium needed in your diet. Magnesium is very important for the health of your heart. Studies have proven that eating at least 2-ounces of almonds daily have significantly lowered total cholesterol levels, and several other factors that contribute to heart disease as well.  Also, almonds are high in vitamin E, fiber, and monounsaturated fats.

    Apples- Apples are high in fiber and antioxidants. Not only are they good for colon health, but also for lowering total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This delicious fruit contain catechins, potent cancer-preventative substances. They are also good for preventing lung cancer; as well as liver and prostate abnormalities.

    Salmon- Fatty acids are what our brain uses to create the cells that help us to process thoughts and to feel.  Salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Wild Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is low in saturated fat, and it has one of the lowest amounts of contaminants among all seafood.

    Other health properties of wild salmon are:

    • Wild Salmon improves your brain matter.
    • Wild Salmon improves your mood.
    • Wild Salmon improves your synaptic connections.
    • Wild Salmon improves your arteries.
    • Wild Salmon reduces your chances of stroke, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s.

    Avocados- This fruit, sometimes referred to as nature’s butter, provides fiber, folic acid, vitamin E, and potassium.  But more than anything, avocados are known to lower total cholesterol levels because they are the number-one fruit source of beta-sitosterol.  In addition, avocados have higher levels of the potent antioxidant lutein, which protects our eyes from cataracts and age-related muscular degeneration.

    Blueberries- Blueberries help the brain to produce dopamine. Dopamine is essential for coordination, memory, and the feeling of well-being. However, blueberries are most known for their high levels of immunity boosting antioxidants. According to,   Researchers recently found that blueberries prevented the growth of breast cancer cells in test tubes.

    This week, try to consume as much of these Top 5 Power Foods as possible. Find creative ways to incorporate them in your daily diet by making smoothies with blueberries and fresh apples.

    Have Mexican night and make guacamole with your avocados.

    Or, try Almond Crusted Salmon as an entrée along with your favorite side dishes.