Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Untold Truth about Today’s Housing Market

The housing market has been steadily undergoing changes since its initial plummet to dooms day in 2007; and its rock bottom descend in 2009. As a matter of fact, home foreclosures just started to level out in 2010. 

As we all know, many homeowners lost their homes to the bank and many are still walking away from their homes while the banks are coming back to redeem their security deed due to non-payment. 

It is devastating enough being forced to leave your primary residence; but what’s even more embarrassing is the credit rejection experienced when searching for another home immediately after a foreclosure.  

In this tough market its good to know that someone has designed a program to help struggling homeowners avoid total credit ruin.  

Freedom Investment Group, LLC is a creative real estate investment firm that thinks “outside the box”. Owner/CEO, Jim Sakalis, knows the importance of being versatile during changing times. 

Freedom Investment Group caters to homeowners that owe much more on their homes than fair market value. 

Once a distressed homeowner contacts a Freedom Investment agent, they are guaranteed to receive the best options for their situation, says Mr. Sakalis.

After a one-on-one assessment, Freedom Investment Group guides struggling homeowners through the process to salvage their situation, while protecting their credit worthiness.   

Either way it’s a win-win situation for homeowners. They get to avoid foreclosure, and in a lot of cases help in placing them into affordable housing.

The process sounds easy, but it may not be as simple as one would think. According to Mr. Sakalis, “Banks don’t want to work with short sale properties as much, because they get government bailout money for their loss.  As a result, we have developed tactful strategies to manipulate the bank into working out a short sale.”

The Freedom Investment Group has provided quality real estate services to the greater Atlanta area since 2004.  They are a one-stop-shop, providing rental and property management services, buyer, and seller services, and investor services. 

Their goal is to help educate and provide the best options available to homeowners.

For more information contact The Freedom Investment Group at 770-374-0313. Or visit them on the web at:

All data and information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed by The Freedom Investment Group and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Tonya Lachey Jones. Tonya Lachey Jones makes no representation as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information; or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Nor is the owner or writer of this blog liable for the misinterpretations of any past or future articles posted. 

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