Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Roasted Rosemary Potato's

Roasted Rosemary Potato's

  • 4 small or 2 large Potatoes (your favorite type)
  • 2 large stems of Fresh Rosemary
  • 2/3 cup Olive Oil
  • 2 Fresh Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Small Onion
Heat oven to 350.

Cut potatoes in small wedges and place in a skillet (cast iron works best).

Chop onions and garlic cloves and add to skillet, then cut fresh Rosemary over potato's.

Drizzle with olive oil and place in oven.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fibrocystic Breast Condition

In the past, both Fibrocystic Breast Condition  (FBC) and Fibrocystic Breast Disease have been referred to as the same thing. However, medical practitioners are now dropping the word disease from the diagnosis and replacing it with condition.

This common condition is characterized by nonmalignant lumps in the breast. The lumps can sometimes cause pain and tenderness in one or both breast and primarily affects more than 60% of women from the ages of 30-50; usually becoming less of a problem after menopause. Some women experience this condition as early as the onset of puberty.

The causes of FBC are generally unknown, but can be linked to estrogen levels and other hormones produced by the ovaries. As well as possible dietary fat intake.

  • Lumps in one or both breast.
  • Lumps offer resistance when pressed with fingertips; may be tender.
  • Generalized breast pain, especially right before menstrual periods.
  • Lumps are often larger before menstrual periods and shrink afterwords.
  • Lumps come in different sizes. Surface level lumps can be moved freely within the breast.
  • Lumps deep within the breast may be indistinguishable from breast cancer.
  • Nipple discharge
  • Examine breast carefully each month prior to or at the onset of menstruation.
  • Routine mammogram studies.
  • Until research is concluded avoid smoking and high caffeine consumption.
  • Avoid fatty and fried foods; reduce salt intake.
  • Diagnostic tests include mammogram, ultrasonograph (useful for distinguishing cystic from solid lesion) and surgical diagnostic procedures such as biopsy or cyst aspiration.
  • Examine breast monthly (as preventive measures states) and report changes in lumps that have been previously diagnosed.
  • Visit the doctor every year for a breast exam. If you have a family history of cancer, more frequent examinations may be required.
  • Cold compressions may be helpful for discomfort or pain.
  • Wearing a well-fitting, supportive bra (day and night).
  • Sometimes, excision of benign tumors or fat necrosis lesions is recommended.
  • Doctor's may prescribe spironolactone and suggest vitamin B-6 or iodine (kelp tablets).
  • A mild diuretic for 7-10 days before menses may help some patients (for natural diuretics consult with your physician for approval and locate your local health food store for advice on brands).
  • For more severe symptoms, danazol or bromocriptine may be prescribed.
  • There is some evidence that vitamin E may be beneficial.
  • You have undiagnosed lumps in your breast.
  • You detect a change in a lump, or new lumps appear.
  • Nipple discharge appears.
  • You have not had a breast exam in 2-years.
  • New, unexplained symptoms develop in your breast.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tasty Lasagna (recipe)

Tasty Lasagna

Ingredients for Lasagna:

•1 pound lean ground beef or ground turkey (or chicken)
•1/2 cup minced onion
•4 cloves garlic
•12 lasagna noodles
•1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
•1 tablespoon salt
•4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
•4 dried basil leaves
•1 jar (oz) of tomato sauce
•1 6-ounce or the smallest can of crushed tomatoes
•4 tablespoons white sugar
•1 teaspoon black pepper
•3 cups of Mexican cheese
•3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
•16 ounce Ricotta Cheese

Boil Lasagna noodles as directed on box.

Drizzle olive oil into a hot pan and add 2 garlic cloves. Add ground beef (or whatever meat you choose...I like turkey). Cook until brown. Drain meat and place in a mixer bowel.

Add (to the mixer bowel) almost all of the jar of tomato sauce (leave 2 cups remaining) then add the entire can of crushed tomatoes.

Add salt, pepper, sugar, all of the Mexican cheese but set aside 1/2 cup because you will need it for the last layer (do not add Parmesan yet), basil leaves, other 2 garlic cloves, Italian seasoning, and chopped fresh parsley. Stir all ingredients.

Once lasagna noodles are done drizzle a little olive oil in them so they wont stick to each other...then get a glass casserole dish (large) and lay 3-4 noodles flat. Make sure to overlap them.

With a knife smooth the Ricotta cheese over the noodles in a thin layer. Then place a thick layer of the ingredients from the mixer bowel on top of the layer of ricotta cheese. Add another layer of noodles and continue until you reach the top of the container or you start to run out of ingredients. (LOL)

Layer the very top of the lasagna with the remaining 2 cups of tomato sauce and sprinkle 1/2 cup of Mexican cheese on top (to keep the top layer from sliding off when it cools) finalize with the grated Parmesan cheese on top (to make it pretty and add more flavor).

Tonya Lachey's signature recipe

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sen Harry Ried's Comment

"The country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate because Obama is a 'light-skinned' African American with 'no negro dialect'...unless he wanted to have one."  Sen Harry Ried

Tell us what you think....

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Many American's suffer from edema without knowing what it is and what causes it. Edema is the accumulation of abnormal levels of fluid in the interstitial tissue. This condition often causes tissue underneath the skin to swell and is common when lymphatic blockage occurs. Swelling occurs when an increase in the volume of blood causes the vessels to dilate. Blood vessel walls weaken as they dilate causing lymph fluid to diffuse into surrounding tissue space. This excess fluid gets trapped in the body's tissue in a greater capacity than the lymphatic system can eliminate.

Edema is commonly caused by:
  • Physical inactivity
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Standing or sitting for long periods of time
  • Surgery
  • Burns
  • Heat
  • High Altitudes
  • Pregnancy
  • MS & PMS
  • Certain medications
  • Excessive salt intake
  • Contraceptive Pill
  • Menopause
  • Poor diet
  • Kidney disease/damage
  • Heart failure
  • Chronic lung disease
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Brain tumor
  • Head injury
Symptoms of edema may include localized or generalized swelling of the skin, skin may feel tight and stretched, puffiness of the ankles, face or eyes, weight gain, increased localized heat radiating from skin's surface, hypertension, stiff joints and aching body parts.

A severe case of edema known as "pitting edema" exists if skin retains a dimple after being pressed for 10 to 20 seconds. If you think you have systemic edema (caused by a malfunction of one or more of the systems in your body) or pitting edema, you should seek the advice of a medical practitioner immediately.

In order to treat edema a doctor has to diagnose what is causing it.

Treatments Include:
  • Diuretics
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Antiangiogenesis therapy (controlling blood vessel growth)
At home treatments often times recommended by doctors include:
  • Walk regularly when traveling by car, train, boat or plane
  • Wear support stockings
  • Do regular exercise
  • Decreasing salt intake
  • If overweight, loss weight
  • Raise legs when sleeping & several times daily
  • Do not stand or sit for long periods at a time
  • Massage by a qualified therapist (pressure must be light to moderate and movement must flow in the direction of the heart.
Massage is a contraindication for systemic and pitting edema, but is highly recommended for less severe edema.