Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tasty Lasagna (recipe)

Tasty Lasagna

Ingredients for Lasagna:

•1 pound lean ground beef or ground turkey (or chicken)
•1/2 cup minced onion
•4 cloves garlic
•12 lasagna noodles
•1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
•1 tablespoon salt
•4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
•4 dried basil leaves
•1 jar (oz) of tomato sauce
•1 6-ounce or the smallest can of crushed tomatoes
•4 tablespoons white sugar
•1 teaspoon black pepper
•3 cups of Mexican cheese
•3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
•16 ounce Ricotta Cheese

Boil Lasagna noodles as directed on box.

Drizzle olive oil into a hot pan and add 2 garlic cloves. Add ground beef (or whatever meat you choose...I like turkey). Cook until brown. Drain meat and place in a mixer bowel.

Add (to the mixer bowel) almost all of the jar of tomato sauce (leave 2 cups remaining) then add the entire can of crushed tomatoes.

Add salt, pepper, sugar, all of the Mexican cheese but set aside 1/2 cup because you will need it for the last layer (do not add Parmesan yet), basil leaves, other 2 garlic cloves, Italian seasoning, and chopped fresh parsley. Stir all ingredients.

Once lasagna noodles are done drizzle a little olive oil in them so they wont stick to each other...then get a glass casserole dish (large) and lay 3-4 noodles flat. Make sure to overlap them.

With a knife smooth the Ricotta cheese over the noodles in a thin layer. Then place a thick layer of the ingredients from the mixer bowel on top of the layer of ricotta cheese. Add another layer of noodles and continue until you reach the top of the container or you start to run out of ingredients. (LOL)

Layer the very top of the lasagna with the remaining 2 cups of tomato sauce and sprinkle 1/2 cup of Mexican cheese on top (to keep the top layer from sliding off when it cools) finalize with the grated Parmesan cheese on top (to make it pretty and add more flavor).

Tonya Lachey's signature recipe

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