Thursday, February 25, 2010



Tiger Woods became famous for perfecting his athletic abilities in the sport of golf, yet he has established even more notoriety for helping scientist create a proper diagnosis for the obscure psychological disorder commonly known as sex addiction.

Sex addiction is characterized by an obsession with the thought of sex or the physical activity of having sex. Sex addicts use sex as a coping mechanism to deal with the stress of their everyday life to the point that it becomes obsessive. They differ from the typical person with a high sex drive, because they get upset when their partner says “NO” and generally act out thinking their partner is rejecting them.

However, being addicted to sex is a little more than getting angry with a spouse or partner for turning away sex. It is considered a psychological abnormality known as hyper sexuality disorder. According to Dr. Ken Zucker of the University of Toronto, “A lot of psychologist believe there is a clinical phenomenon between people who experience a lot of distress and get into a lot of trouble from having excessive sex."

Excessive compulsive traits are often times used to diagnose sex addiction. Repeated masturbation (usually several times a day and sometimes even after intercourse) along with an obsession with pornography is typically the cornerstone for most addicts. Once an extreme sexual desire has been established it generally manifest into the desire for multiple sex partners.

Having multiple sex partners leads to a disassociation between love and intimacy. People with multiple sex partners remain somewhat detached from trusting, intimate relationships. It is human nature to associate love with trust. In order to truely love one must trust the person they are in love with. And a sex addict has a hard time trusting others because they are unable to be trusted.

Although sex addicts often enter into long-term relationships or marriages, their partners report many similar feelings such as the feeling of aloneness and the sense that they can’t open up and tell you about their “real” self.

Some sex addicts experience what is known as a later stage of sex addiction known as sexual anorexia. In this stage of addiction, the addict prefers fantasy sex with themselves or others over relationship sex with a partner or spouse. Therefore, the couple has sex infrequently and usually at the request of the partner and not the addict.

Treatment for sex addiction takes time and hard work, especially in the first year. Therapists who specialize in sex addiction say that it is like treating substance abuse. Therapy includes a combination of counseling and administering anti-depressants.


• Sex addiction is estimated to affect 3 to 6 percent of adults in the United States, according to the Mayo Clinic.
• About 80 percent of sex addiction cases have sexual abuse or emotional trauma in their backgrounds, said Doug Weiss, therapist and executive director of the Heart to Heart Counseling Center.
People with an abusive background are less likely to trust people and more likely to turn to something like sex addiction as a manifestation, said Mark Schwartz, psychologist and former director of the Masters and Johnson Institute in St. Louis, Missouri.
Feelings of neglect as a child -- whether from divorced parents or parents who both worked and didn't spend a lot of time with their kids -- may also lead to sex addiction, Schwartz said.

~Tonya Lachey

Thursday, February 11, 2010

RICE...The New Super Food!

RICE….The New Super Food!

Just this one word R-I-C-E can improve your overall health. According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, “Rice eaters have higher levels of folic acid, potassium, and iron than those who don’t consume rice regularly.” Brown rice is extremely beneficial for the production of sex hormones and normal functioning of the nervous system.

In addition to its nutritious value, rice provides fast and instant energy, good bowel movement, stabilizes blood sugar levels and it provides an essential source of B1 to the human body. Other benefits include resistance to high blood pressure, heart diseases, skin rejuvenation and dysentery, a disease of the lower intestine caused by infection with bacteria, protozoan’s or parasites and marked by severe diarrhea, inflammation, and the passage of blood and mucus.

Rice can also prevent chronic constipation because it is an insoluble fiber that can be pushed through the intestinal tract easily. White rice is processed and stripped of its outer layer known as the bran or outer covering which contains a high content of fiber alone. Therefore, brown rice and whole grains are richer in insoluble fiber and are lower on the glycemic index than white rice.

However, be it brown or white rice both should be consumed with lots of water to prevent constipation that can sometimes occur when consuming fibrous foods, especially insoluble fiber. Just a cup full of brown rice a day provides you with almost 100% of the recommended magnesium value, which aides in producing energy from carbohydrates and protein.


Great Energy Source: As rice is rich in carbohydrates, it acts as fuel for the body and aids in normal functioning of the brain.

Cholesterol Free: Eating rice is extremely beneficial for health, just for the fact that it does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an integral part of balanced diet.

Rich in Vitamins: Rice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine and riboflavin.

Resistant Starch: Rice abounds in resistant starch, which reaches the bowel in undigested form. It aids the growth of useful bacteria for normal bowel movements.

High Blood Pressure: As rice is low in sodium, it is considered best food for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.

Cancer Prevention: Whole grain rice like brown rice is rich in insoluble fiber that can possibly protect against many types of cancers. Many scientists believe that such insoluble fibers are vital for protecting the body against cancerous cells.

Skin Care: Medical experts say that powdered rice can be applied to cure some forms of skin ailments. In Indian subcontinent, rice water is duly prescribed by ayurvedic practitioners as an effective ointment to cool off inflamed skin surfaces.

Dysentery: The husk part of rice is considered as an effective medicine to treat dysentery. A three month old rice plant’s husks is said to contain diuretic properties. Chinese people believe that rice considerably increases appetite, cures stomach ailments and indigestion problems.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Brown rice is said to contain high levels of neurotransmitter nutrients that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease to a considerable extent.

Heart Disease: Rice bran oil is said to have antioxidant properties that promotes cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

~ Tonya Lachey

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Red Wine Butter Salmon - Recipe

Grilled Salmon with Red-Wine Butter


2 Salmon fillets (preferably wild) 6 oz each
½ stick Butter
½ cup Red Wine
¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 ½ tsp fresh Thyme Leaves
1 Shallot minced
1 Garlic Clove

• Season salmon as desired.

• Combine the shallot, wine, and balsamic vinegar in a saucepan over medium heat and cook for 10 minutes or until the liquid reduce by half.

• Allow the wine reduction to cool. Then add the butter, thyme, and a few pinches of fresh black pepper. Mix Ingredients thoroughly then remove from heat and cover with a lid.

• Grill....or pre-heat skillet on high (preferably chaste iron), reduce heat to medium after skillet gets hot and add olive oil and garlic cloves.

• Cook salmon skin-side-down for 4-5 minutes. Then flip salmon and then cook for 2-3 minutes or until desired.

• Pour red wine sauce over salmon and serve.

Bon Appetite!

Tonya Lachey

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sarah Palin Leads Tea Party…Her political future may be in her hands.

Sarah Palin’s audience exploded in cheers as excitement filled the room while she commanded attention at the Tea Party’s First National Convention.

The Tea Party Movement emerged in early 2009 partially in response to the federal government’s stimulus package (American Recovery Investment Act of 2009). The group started as an anti-tax protest and grew in response to the increase in the national debt resulting from the stimulus package.

Palin’s speech was filled with her common “down home” jokes, yet she set aside time to embark on a more serious side when she spoke on lowering taxes, national debt and a stronger national defense; all of which she made sure to take note of on the palm of her hand as a reminder to the reason for her attendance.

In addition to her idea's, she also used the platform as means to jump start her possible future as a presidential candidate. Palin made note to mention that President Obama is merely a professor, and he is not qualified to be Commander and Chief of the United State of America.

Will Palin be able to transform conservatives’ excitement over the Tea Party to election success in 2012…or should she take a lecture from President Obama first?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Haiti's Hell - How and Why It Happened

Haiti's Hell - How and Why It Happened

More than one reason led to the massive damage received by the earthquake in Haiti. The origin of the earthquake was only 9-miles from the surface of the earth, and poor building construction due to widespread poverty both played a part in Haiti’s disaster.

Nine miles below Haiti’s earth surface lay the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, an east-west line between two of the great tectonic plates that supports the earth’s surface. The plate that Haiti is located on is called the strike-slip fault, meaning two plates grind against each other.

Although the earthquake was large with its magnitude of 7.0; “There was a much stronger earthquake—with a magnitude of 7.4 – in 2007, near the island of Martinique. It didn’t do much damage because it was 90 miles deep,” said Harley Benz of the Geological Survey.

Scientist warned people for years that Haiti was at major risk for a serious earthquake. During the 18th Caribbean Geological Conference in 2008, five scientists presented a paper stating that a fault zone on the south side of the island posed “a major seismic hazard.”

Scientist can determine the likelihood of an earthquake occurring and where is will occur. However, when an earthquake will erupt is still unknown to man.

Tonya Lachey