Monday, February 1, 2010

Haiti's Hell - How and Why It Happened

Haiti's Hell - How and Why It Happened

More than one reason led to the massive damage received by the earthquake in Haiti. The origin of the earthquake was only 9-miles from the surface of the earth, and poor building construction due to widespread poverty both played a part in Haiti’s disaster.

Nine miles below Haiti’s earth surface lay the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, an east-west line between two of the great tectonic plates that supports the earth’s surface. The plate that Haiti is located on is called the strike-slip fault, meaning two plates grind against each other.

Although the earthquake was large with its magnitude of 7.0; “There was a much stronger earthquake—with a magnitude of 7.4 – in 2007, near the island of Martinique. It didn’t do much damage because it was 90 miles deep,” said Harley Benz of the Geological Survey.

Scientist warned people for years that Haiti was at major risk for a serious earthquake. During the 18th Caribbean Geological Conference in 2008, five scientists presented a paper stating that a fault zone on the south side of the island posed “a major seismic hazard.”

Scientist can determine the likelihood of an earthquake occurring and where is will occur. However, when an earthquake will erupt is still unknown to man.

Tonya Lachey

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