Thursday, March 25, 2010

HEALTH CARE: The Law of the Land

A look at Obama's health care overhaul law

Published: 3/24/10, 3:25 AM EDT

By The Associated Press

HOW MANY COVERED: 32 million uninsured. Major coverage expansion begins in 2014. When fully phased in, 94 percent of eligible non-elderly Americans will have coverage, compared with 83 percent now.

COST: $938 billion over 10 years for the coverage expansion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

DEFICIT REDUCTION: CBO says the measure will reduce deficits by $143 billion over a decade.

INSURANCE MANDATE: Almost everyone will be required to be insured or else pay a fine, which takes effect in 2014. There is an exemption for low-income people.

INSURANCE MARKET REFORMS: Starting this year, insurers will be forbidden from placing lifetime dollar limits on policies, from denying coverage to children because of pre-existing conditions, and from canceling policies because someone gets sick. Parents will be able to keep children on their coverage up to age 26. A new high-risk pool will offer coverage to uninsured people with medical problems until 2014, when the coverage expansion goes into high gear. Major consumer safeguards will also take effect in 2014. Insurers will be prohibited from denying coverage to people with medical problems or charging them more. Insurers will not be able to charge women more.

MEDICAID: Expands the federal-state Medicaid insurance program for the poor to cover people with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, $29,327 a year for a family of four. Childless adults will be covered for the first time, starting in 2014. The federal government will pay 100 percent of costs for covering newly eligible individuals through 2016.

If the Senate approves a package of changes this week, a special deal that would have given Nebraska 100 percent federal financing for newly eligible Medicaid recipients in perpetuity would be eliminated. A different, one-time deal negotiated by Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu for her state, Louisiana, worth as much as $300 million, would remain.

TAXES: The bill applies an increased Medicare payroll tax to investment income and wages of individuals making more than $200,000 a year, or married couples above $250,000. The tax on investment income would be 3.8 percent if the Senate acts on a package of changes this week - higher than originally proposed. If the Senate follows through, the legislation also would impose a 40 percent tax on high-cost insurance plans worth more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. The tax would go into effect in 2018.

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: Gradually closes the "doughnut hole" coverage gap in the Medicare prescription drug benefit that seniors fall into once they have spent $2,830. Seniors who hit the gap this year would receive a $250 rebate, if the Senate acts this week. Beginning in 2011, seniors in the gap would receive a discount on brand name drugs, initially 50 percent off. When the gap is completely eliminated in 2020, seniors will still be responsible for 25 percent of the cost of their medications until Medicare's catastrophic coverage kicks in.

EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY: Employers are hit with a fee if the government subsidizes their workers' coverage. Contingent on approval by the Senate this week, the $2,000-per-employee fee would be assessed on the company's entire work force, minus an allowance. Companies with 50 or fewer workers are exempt from the requirement.

HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: Businesses with 25 or fewer employees that offer health coverage to their work force will get tax credits. The credits will start this year and rise in 2014 to a maximum of 50 percent of the cost of premiums offered by the smallest businesses, those with 10 or fewer workers.

SUBSIDIES FOR INDIVIDUALS: The aid is available on a sliding scale for households making up to four times the federal poverty level, $88,200 for a family of four. Premiums for a family of four making $44,000 will be capped at around 6 percent of income.

HOW YOU CHOOSE YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE: Small businesses, the self-employed and the uninsured could pick a plan offered through new state-based purchasing pools called exchanges, opening for business in 2014. The exchanges will offer the same kind of purchasing power that employees of big companies benefit from. People working for medium-to-large firms will not see major changes. But if they lose their jobs or strike out on their own, they may be eligible for subsidized coverage through the exchange, and insurers could not deny them coverage.

HOW IT'S PAID FOR: The legislation cuts about $455 billion over 10 years from projected payment increases to hospitals, insurance companies and others under Medicare and other government health programs. Revenue increases over 10 years include: $210 billion from increasing the Medicare payroll tax; $107 billion from fees on insurance companies, drug makers and medical device manufacturers; $32 billion from the excise tax on high-value insurance plans; and $2.7 billion from a tax on indoor tanning services.

GOVERNMENT-RUN PLAN: No government-run insurance plan. People purchasing coverage through the new insurance exchanges will have the option of signing up for national plans overseen by the federal office that manages the health plans available to members of Congress. Those plans will be private, but one would have to be nonprofit.

ABORTION: The bill tries to maintain a strict separation between taxpayer dollars and private premiums that would pay for abortion coverage. No health plan will be required to offer coverage for abortion. In plans that do cover abortion, policyholders would have to pay for it separately, and that money would have to be kept in a separate account from taxpayer money. States could ban abortion coverage in plans offered through the exchange. Exceptions would be made for cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Are You Flying High On Fumes?

A couple of weeks ago I took a trip to California. Hours after I boarded the plane I began to develop flu like symptoms; the usual runny nose, body ache, head congestion, and shore throat. When asked if I were sick I looked at the flight attendant with dismay and answered, “Not when I left Atlanta I wasn’t.”

If you have ever experienced flu like symptoms after flying commercial airlines, you are not the only one. In the past medical professionals described airplanes as being an incubator for festering diseases’ due to the recycling of air.

According to, in the 1980s airlines started to mix 100% fresh air with recirculated air to save money and improve energy efficiency. A Boeing 737, for example, recirculates about 40% of its air, while a 757 recirculates about 50%.

However, there could be more serious causes for unpleasant symptoms felt during, or immediately after flying commercial, such as Ozone pollution. Ozone is found in higher concentrations in the sky. It is a very powerful lung irritant. Symptoms of ozone pollution are: chest pains, coughing, shortness of breath, and throat irritation. In addition to Ozone pollution, low humidity may cause burning of the eye’s and skin due to the lack of moisture in high altitude air.

Recently, chemical fumes inhaled during air travel have been an area of serious concern. Although pesticides are routinely sprayed in aircraft flying internationally; other toxic substances like engine oils, hydraulic fluids, and de-icing solutions are contaminating the air on planes as well.

Dangerous levels of tricresyl phosphate (TCP) have surfaced on several swab sample test done on commercial airplanes. TCP acts as an anti-wear substance in jet engine oil, and can induce symptoms such as drowsiness, headaches, respiratory issues, and neurological disturbances.

In regards to the air recirculation system, studies are now showing that less is more. Although less beneficial due to the risk of harnessing airborne viruses, higher percentages of recirculating air on planes are now found to be more beneficial to passengers because of the decrease in levels of TCP and Ozone exposure. In the bleed-air system, fresh outside air is sucked in through the plane’s engine, and circulated throughout the plane. But along with the “fresh air” are toxic fumes from the plane’s engine.

According to a petition filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, a plane filled with a strange mist made an emergency landing. Shortly after Victoria and Valerie Vaughn became seriously ill. The twin sisters complained of symptoms such as severe headache, tremors, cognitive problems, and memory problems; all in which they still experience to this very day. Passengers and airline staff all over the world have complained of similar symptoms.

Karen Burns, former flight attendant, says she experiences tremors and memory loss. And former commercial pilot, Tristan Loraine, made a documentary about being poisoned by fumes throughout his career.

Frequent flyer's and the plane staff are at higher risk of experiencing symptoms due to constant exposure. Other high-risk groups are children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

There is just no way around it, for now airline passengers must make a choice between disease and virus filled air due to poor circulation, or toxic engine fumes pumped throughout the plan in an effort to keep fresh air circulating. The House of Representatives just passed a bill requiring the Federal Aviation Administration to study sensors and filters on planes capable of detecting and removing toxic fumes inside an aircraft. But for now we must protect ourselves.

On my flight back to Atlanta from Los Angeles two passengers, one of whom I had the honors of sharing a row with, became ill. Both passengers, an adult male and a little girl, started to clear their throats compulsively. Soon after they started to cough, and were offered water before the rest of the passengers were served. Then several hours later both the adult male and the little girl started to vomit uncontrollably. During this big “fiasco” I goggled to find out how to protect myself from airplane contamination in the future. 


• Wear a face mask to filter out airborne colds and viruses.

• Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer for surface germs.

• Use nasal sprays such as Zicam to help support the immune system.

• Avoid touching your face.


• Wear a face mask to filter out toxic ozone fumes.

• The use of nasal sprays, saline solutions, and skin lotions are recommended for dry air due to high altitude flying.


• Wear a face mask to filter out toxic chemicals and engine fumes.

Tonya Lachey


Mixed Berry Smoothie

1 Cup Orange Juice
1 Cup Mixed Berries
1 Banana (same as 1 cup)
1/2 Cup Almond Milk
2 Tablespoons Flaxseed (ground organic)

For 3 years I've been making my morning smoothies. Now most of my friends and some of my family drink them religiously as well. The nutritional value alone speaks for itself, not to mention the fact that drinking my mixed berry smoothie provides a powerhouse of energy.

  • 5.9g fiber
  • 800mg potassium
  • 49.5mg phosphorus
  • 60.8mg magnesium
  • 60.8mg omega 3
  • 103mg omega 6
  • 2.5g protein
Orange Juice
  • 450mg potassium
  • 120% vitamin C (Daily Value)
Almond Milk
  • 70mg potassium
  • 12.5% vitamin D (Daily Value)
  • 15% Riboflavin (Daily Value)
  • 3g fiber
  • 3000mg omega 3
  • 1000mg omega 6
  • 1000mg omega 9
  • 3g protein
  • 110mg SDG Lignans
  • 750 mcg iron
  • 93mg phosphorus
  • 60mcg magnesium
  • 750mcg zinc
  • 120mg potassium
  • 79mcg vitamin B1
  • 34mcg vitamin B2
  • 480mcg vitamin B3
  • 90mcg vitamin B6
  • 75mcg vitamin C
Mixed Berries
  • 5g fiber
  • 4g protein
  • 50% vitamin C (Daily Value)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

The next time you go out to dinner, skip your normal glass of juice or soda and drink fresh lemon water instead. The benefits are far greater than you may know.

Lemon water helps to prevent pathogenic bacteria from forming in the linings of the stomach and intestines. It works as a wonderful stimulant to the liver by liquefying bowel. In addition lemon water helps the body to dissolve uric acid as well as other poisons in the digestive system.

Not to mention the digestion properties associated with lemon water. Scientific studies show that lemon water has been known to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching. And the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more effectively thereby controlling constipation and diarrhea in people who drink lemon water regularly.

Pathogenic bacteria can be consumed through undercooked or mishandled food. Once consumed, this bacteria is formed in the lining of the stomach and intestines, and causes symptoms such as mild-to -severe stomach pain to intestinal elimination such as vomiting or diarrhea. Lemon water acts as an antiseptic by assisting the system in cleansing itself of these impurities.

The liver is one of the body’s largest and most important organs because it regulates metabolism and produces bile. Bile is a fat emulsifier; it breaks up fats into tiny particles so that they are more accessible to digestive enzymes. By stimulating the liver, lemon water helps the body to break down fatty foods and increases overall metabolism. NOW WHO WOULD TURN THAT DOWN?

But care should be taken in choosing the lemons to create this “special lemon tonic”. Make sure your lemons were handled with care. Most restaurants tend to use the same chopping board they use for meats, vegetables and fruit. This is not good because bacteria can transfer from one food source to another if the chopping boards are not sanitized properly prior to usage.

Also, some restaurants leave lemons sitting out in the open air to catch air borne bacteria that could be lurking around. Not to mention that some bars and restaurants have a self-serve selection of lemons which, if not handled with care, can lead to human contamination from unclean hands and prongs.

However, I suggest buying lemons (organic if possible) and making your own lemon water to ensure you consume the proper amount needed to benefit your health. It doesn’t matter if you are in a restaurant or at home, always wash the outer coating of your lemon with hot water to rinse most of the pesticides off. In addition, I highly recommend peeling your lemons only letting the meaty part have direct contact with your water.


Drink a cup of hot lemon water every morning before eating or drinking anything. It will work more effective in increasing metabolism and stimulating bile production. Its guaranteed weight management!

Drink at least two 8oz glasses of lemon water daily.

Monday, March 1, 2010


As humans we try to avoid change because it is unpredictable. We remain in relationships that are unhealthy due to fear of change or failure. Letting go of a relationship for whatever reason is one of the hardest things to do in life.

Naturally, one wants to believe that love will last forever. But when it doesn’t one must let go. The inability to let go of a relationship that is no longer evolving with the changes of time is very detrimental. Yet even more devastating, is the pain and suffering from not letting go of what is over and moving on with life.

When a relationship ends, one or both parties have the feeling of failure. However, it is important not to associate ones self-worth in life with the longevity of a relationship that probably was not meant to be in the first place. In order to let go, it is important to learn that self-worth does not evolve around another person but rather is enhanced by that person.

One of the most important things to remember in life is to stop wasting time clinging to unhappy relationships that can’t be changed. After all, wisdom is the knowledge of accepting the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things that can be changed and the insight to know the difference (Serenity Prayer).


• When your partner is no longer willing to help support the realistic goals you set for yourself.

• If you are being abused, hurt, cheated on or lied to.

• If your partner is a shameless flirt, is bossy, demanding or has serious insecurity issues (In most cases some or all of these traits are interactive).

• If you feel a sense of relief at your partners departure.


• Forgive either your spouse or yourself (or both) so that you can move on and be happy again.

• Unless you have children together, stop contacting that person.

• Go out on dates with others and try to enjoy yourself; taking note not to ramble on and on about your old spouse by any means (even when asked).

Do not, by any means, use your old spouse as a template for new relationships. It is very important not to be afraid to move on and explore new and different interactions with others. The fear of letting go of something or someone is enabling and can hinder you in every aspect of your life. Always remember my personal definition for fear and apply it to any situation in which you feel a sense of hopelessness. Fear is merely:





~Tonya Jones